Stop just spending time focusing on your Debt-Crisis…
You may assume that it is impossible to think of anything else, except the Debt-Crisis you are facing right now, Wrong!
If you continue focusing on your Debt and the problems it actualizes for you, then it will enlarge and eventually consume you, because that is how it works. Once you have taken ownership and responsibility for your debt, learnt how to master the art of Personal Transformation, releasing all resistance, gaining clarity of the Debt Recovery Path you must embrace, following that path and completing the process of being able to afford to repay your debt, now you must shift to emerging yourself into a new Wealth Creation process, so that you change your thoughts, words and actions and shift yourself into a more positive space to transform, grow and rebuild yourself to achieve NEW SUCCESS…
The two situations are a huge contrast, but it is necessary to ‘Flip Your Switch’, to transition to the other side, where you can once again start rebuilding new confidence, hope, self-assurance, greater faith to move the mountains and challenges you may face, for the advancement and progress you seek. In life, very few people are happy for others, so it is your job to create your own happiness again, but first, master the art of Self-Love and taking care of yourself first, because you cannot serve with an empty cup!
Most today need authentic healing, whether that be from bad situations, toxic associations, bad influences, bad relationships, unwell health conditions and many more, because you cannot move forward, without mastering this art, being absolutely sure of your new found self-confidence and ability to advance to achieve your near future goals. You need to rebuild inner power, substance, integrity, credibility and everything you don’t like about yourself in this debt state of emotional turmoil, so there are many processes you must learn, to start creating new wealth, in all its forms, not just money, as true wealth has many forms.
Remember, even if it was a long time ago, at some point you were really happy, enjoyed life, had enough money to sustain yourself and perhaps a family and achieved the success that you wished for, at that stage of your life. So why is it impossible for you to achieve this again? It’s simply not, as humans we can easily bounce back, but the problem is we don’t allow ourselves the freedom to do so, because we are so very busy listening to chatter, trying to impress, flaunt a superficial image, unbeknown to you, that many can see right through these facades, until the Lesson of Humility must be learnt, even the hard way, if we refuse to take heed and it could present itself in the Lesson of Debt!
The Digital Age has afforded you the very possible opportunity to recreate yourself again, persue what you love, go and do that thing that you would do for free every single day and that would make you happy, because that is where your authentic self lives and wants to guide you, to transform into who you really are and what you came here to do. So don’t disappoint your inner being, follow your intuition and persue the journey to creating new wealth, joy and happiness that you deserve and do not forget to reach out and try to change a life, as often as you can, because those are the seeds that bear real fruit in our lives and creates what we asked for…