As ITIL (Informational Technology Infrastructure Library) was one of the companies the CEO initiated in Dubai in 2006 and again, the only company of its kind, so we were afforded unique opportunities to approach medium to large Companies and Organizations, including UAE and GCC Government Organizations to firstly successfully Launch ITIL into the UAE and Middle East markets via a key Collaborating UAE Government Entity, where we ventured into facilitating ITIL Foundation and Service Management Training and Courses, via our exclusive UK Partner, Marvel Software, who had created their own ITIL Software, that could be installed on any Operating System Platform.

We secured Agreements for Scoping these Organizations and Training their Staff, including Banks and other and in so doing, realized that it would simplify systems to implement ITIL from inception of registering a Company, then it operates on stringent Roles, Responsibilities, In-House Policies, Change and Compliant Management then becomes seamless.

Therefore, also being empaneled by UAE Banks and Partnering with them, it was a pre-requisite for EFFRS to be aligned with their stringent Policies and so we continue to conform. Prioritizing and building effective Management Programs is key for all companies and the need to be consistent with being proactive is absolutely key. Everyone is accountable and must take ownership and responsibility for their roles within their organization. This means pro-active collaboration with other departments and as examples Risk, Legal, Human Resources, Audit, effectively managing Templates, Timelines, minimizing violations and increasing Productivity and Performance to the best of everyone’s abilities.

So, with Partnering with UAE Banks, there are levels of Authority incorporated into in-house IT Systems, pertaining to Documentation and Authoritative Control and other compliance measures, again to mitigate Risks. Being organized, having access to not reinvent the wheel within an organization minimizes time wastage, motivates staff, leaves no room for office politics, animosity and all other emotions that hamper fostering a healthy work environment. Whilst EFFRS fosters well-being within our Company, it equally key that our Clients and Business Partners enjoy the same stable, healthy, positive attitude, co-operation and support and where we find any toxic environment within collaborations or partnerships are impossible to transform, because of no co-operation, we terminate our relationships.