Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility for EFFRS, is our self-regulating Business Model that ensures we are aligned with a high Standard of Social responsibility, regardless if we are a private company, because we successfully launched this Initiative in 2015, by directly supporting UAE Debtors facing a Debt-Crisis, by opting to repay a specific liability, because of pending Legal Action and due to their incapability or repaying this Debt. We continue to achieve these goals annually, with Gratitude, where we are able to enjoy being in a position to actively contribute to the well-being of our Clients, regardless of the justifications of why they are facing a Debt-Crisis, as we do not judge and blame, because humans make a wrong judgement call on their path, but beating ‘Old Stories’ is not the ultimate solution, it just blocks their progress. The humiliation and degradation what they face at the time, suffices, so when we are in a position of strength, we do the right thing!

Our CSR is also a Business approach that contributes to sustainable Development, by delivering Economic, Social and Environmental benefits to our target audience, who benefit from our Corporate Policies, which uplift UAE Communities, where Personal Transformation is the key objective to achieve the desired goals and objectives. So, there are a few key contributions that we make, besides what is described above.

In the near future, we are planning key Collaborations with UAE Banks, the outcome a Joint Venture (JV), to enable EFFRS to generate a Fund that can support those Debtors who are in dire need and that support can encompass a variation of facets of their needs, not just Debt, but it could be their situation is the result of facing a Debt-Crisis, whilst repaying their liabilities.

There are a few distinct benefits of CSR for EFFRS:

  1. Improved Brand Recognition
  2. Positive Business Reputation
  3. Creating an Awareness of our positive contribution
  4. Ongoing referrals for a Continuity of Business
  5. Transforming lives, where Clients can become Debt-Free, rebuild and Create New Wealth.
  6. Creating an Awareness with our Creditor Partners to collaborate with us to continue uplifting UAE Communities and also positively increase their Brand Awareness, which in turn, ensures their continued growth and profitability and in turn improve the economy
  7. Giving back into UAE Communities and making a difference in their lives, so they don’t have to leave the country, but remain here and start enjoying a newly recovered life.

Current CSR Activities:

  1. EMI SUPPORT PLAN – Currently we initiated a CSR initiative where we choose 1-2 Debtor Clients who are unable to maintain new Settlement Plans and/or Consolidations that we secure for them, where we fund the excess Plan EMI’s for the remaining tenure, after the down-payment is paid by the Debtor to their UAE Default Bank Account.
  2. SIZEABLE DISCOUNTS FOR HIGH VALUED LIABILITIES – Where Debtor Clients liabilities are extremely high, with values in excess of millions of Dirhams, we apply high discounts, to ease the burden for them and not adding to their Creditor payments by applying high Service Fee Rates. We try to incorporate the Service Fee into the secured Discounts secured with their Bank Creditors.
  3. ISSUANCE OF A DEBT REMEDIAL BLUE PRINT – Where we find that Debtor Clients are unable to pay us any Service Fees as per our policy, we then secure a 1Hour Consulting Session for a minimal Service Fee and issue them with a Debt Remedial Blueprint, where they are then able to undertake the assignment independently. We remain in the background for any additional support whilst they action the process themselves, until completion.
  4. DEBT AND CREDIT COUNSELING – We incorporate this Service within our Debt Remedial Agreement, at no additional cost, where the Coaching or Mentorship is an integral component of the Debt Recovery Process and is ongoing, for as long as the Debtor Client needs it, normally, once they stabilize and commence following their new Settlement or Restructure Plans.
  5. REQUESTS FROM SKIPPED DEBTOR CLIENTS WHO WISH TO RETURN TO THE UAE – There are many such requests and we ensure that the Debtor Clients are fully supported, which includes ensuring any Legal Cases filed, are released once the Settlement Plans are concluded, we therefore fully collaborate with UAE Banks and other Creditor Clients, to ensure a seamless process, so that the Debtor Client can return to the UAE, free of any debt issues and legal problems.
  6. SME & COMPANY INVESTMENT SUPPORT – We try to secure local or overseas Investors where Business Owners who still have a lucrative operational business, need Cash Flow Support, where all key Due Diligence is done and the Client is able to present such Commercial documentation, where Due Diligence is applied by the interested Investor, where if successful, the Debtor Client is then in a more positive situation, to either repay all their Debt Liabilities, or comfortably repay their liabilities and focus on their future business growth.

Our CSR Collaboration and Joint Venture with a large fully established UAE Finance House, as mentioned prior, is now approved, secured and launched and as soon as we have the approval to include them on our website, we will apply those changes.

Please feel free to contact our CEO, Theda Muller, with any prospective Collaboration or Joint Venture you wish to discuss along these lines, you are most welcome!