The Market has changed…

Changing Markets means EFFRS must continue to bring the best to the Remedial Table…

Because of inevitable changes in the market, where many have jumped onto the ‘Remedial Band-Wagon’ since 2010, many new Clients want to know:

a. Who is EFFRS?

b. What do we stand for and what kind of service do we provide? Seems some newbie Debtors are unfamiliar with Remedial Services.

c. Where does EFFRS fit in?

d. How effective are our services? Reason is because they have tried to secure new Settlement and Restructure Plans with their UAE Creditors, but failed, or did not secure what they needed, so they are still exceeding their DBR (Debt Burden Ratio).

Realism is, what EFFRS is about, is not Loans & Overdues Restructuring Recovery Services, although we do that well and have perfected the policies and procedures over the years, but in essence, EFFRS is something much more than this, because at our very core, within our complete Team, we are passionate about helping people, seeing them improve their lives and get out of the financial rut they are in, to be on their way to Debt-Recovery, it’s that simple.

Yet, we closely monitor the markets and once we identify specific changes on the approaches to Remedial for example, or the popularity of UAE Creditors positively receiving these requests, their changing policies applied, where again, we ensure alignment with these policies but over the latter years, especially the past year, regular policy changes were evident, which meant that EFFRS had to continue reviewing our approach with Debtor Clients, to ensure that our Remedial Services, still continued to create value and that we could continue achieving successful assignment completions, as promised to our Debtor and Creditor Clients.

“The people who were crazy enough to think they could change the world, actually did…”

The Remedial Support we tender to our Debtor Clients, does just not stop with them, because if they are able to become Debt-Free, through only taking ownership and responsibility for their Debts and finally become Debt-Free, then they are paying it forward for their upcoming generations, by leading by example and thereby eliminating future suffering, which means embracing change, transformation, happiness, prosperity, abundance, good health and well-being.

How does well-being or good health fit into this equation?

Simple: When you are piling Debtor calls, pressure, tension, stress, negativity and all the bad emotions into your being on a daily basis, with no release valve to release the piled up resistance over many days, weeks and months, possibly years, then the outcome can only be illness that could reach serious levels if you don’t curb it in time. Everything we do, our existence, is dependent on our health and well-being, which is considered to be gold, without that, we are incapacitated and unable to perform at our peak levels. So this is No 1!

We consider ourselves to be a visionary progressive company, that has no room for complacency, because we have learnt to retain scalability, be able to apply effective ‘Game Changing’ initiatives, to ensure we continue to present and create Value Added Services for our Clients, because without maintaining those policies, we will become redundant, where our intention is to be around for many decades to come!

We believe that the work we do daily, touches the Souls of many who need us to support them to activate and complete their Debt-Recovery, so they can persue their dreams and goals and fully support their families, like in the good old days and that’s possible, when you are taught how to become aligned with who you really are and not just focus on the stress and pressure of the lack of money in your life, because if you do, you create blocks and the same patterns you are struggling with in your life. So reality is that you cannot create new with old habits and that is where EFFRS places value, before even embarking on the Debt Remedial Plan with the Client, because without the mindset change, there will be less progress.

Book our Corporate Debt Workshops, beneficial to your Employees

Kill many birds with one stone, that’s right!

Our Corporate Debt Workshops are the most effective, as they are facilitated by our CEO, COO & Co-Founder, Theda Muller, who initiated Remedial in the UAE in 2010.

We have therefore helped many private and corporate clients with effectively resolving this problem, allowing the debtors to start a new debt recovery path, alleviating all forms of emotional fear, anxiety, depression, lack of clarity, constantly being unproductive at work, also affecting all kinds of relationships, especially at home with the family.

This is an intense Debt Workshop that presents all key areas from inception of making that debt, an awareness is created, to the stage where the individual decides to apply for the debt, then finds themselves facing delinquency and most times, legal cases filed, so this is where we focus the strongest points of advice, which has been highly effective.

We assist them to create their own Debt BluePrint, so they build confidence in facing their creditor and will learn how to resolve their own financial problems. The outcome of applying the techniques, is that they will be more focus on their jobs, so productivity and performance will increase rapdily.

Interested Corporates, please email us on, Confidentiality assured.

Thank you

Book our Daily Corporate Debt Site Visits at your premises

EFFRS LLC, Dubai, is at your service to fully support all of your employees Debt-Crisis needs and we know there are many, as we are approached daily by fear filled employees who don’t know how to handle their situation.

Once you Book our Daily Corporate Debt Site Visits, we will be on site as per your required timings, normally from 9am to 3pm, to confidentially consult with your employees in a dedicated private office, where they can present their debt situations and we can tender our professional advice, dependent on their needs.

To discuss this opportunity, please call us for more information and to mutually decide on a suitable convenience date.

Thank you


Debtor, what is the Value of Your Life?

When you are facing a Debt-Crisis, your constant focus is on the situation, so when you are rather opting to focus on this, you are feeding it, so it grows, until it consumes you and is totally out of control.

In the interim, in all this mayhem, you forgot to take a few steps back, review the situation and ask yourself “How much am I really worth? Is it not worth it to invest in myself, my own well-being and Debt-Recovery?

OR; do you just ignore the situation and proceed with your normal bad habits that resulted in you facing a Debt-Crisis, or simply just live past, because now you are holding whatever money you have to yourself and therefore unknowingly creating ‘Limiting Beliefs’. So guess what? Whatever you are holding in your hand, is all it will ever amount to, nothing more and then you wonder:

a. Why is this happening to me?

b. Why am I stuck?

c. Why is everything coming onto my head at the same time?

Next, anxiety, depression, emotional fear, no zest for life, wanting to throw in the towel and all these negative emotions start consuming your entire being.

But the irony is, you would much rather go off on a weekend and spend more money you don’t have, or do a desperate bout of shopping because it’s your habit and continue spending money that you don’t have…

Remember…..That’s how you became reckless with money in the first place, even taking loans and credit cards, mean’t you had so much money to spend that you had not earned yet, that was not even your own hard earned money and realism is, you must repay the money, refuting ownership and responsibility to show that willingness to your creditors, blaming them for high interest, penalties applied, etc…when you signed the original application with the knowledge that it must be repaid, as per the creditors policies, now appears to be a lame excuse. You are refuting to take responsibility, which in turns means you’re sowing bad seed, so you can only reap bad and debt does not distinguish between anyone, it takes you when it wants you, most times, to teach you a lesson.

A new page means making a concerted decision to invest in yourself, your own well-being, by consulting with your creditor or a reputable remedial company who can fully support you. This is for sure not money lost, if you know whom you are dealing with. However, we are not prone to investing in ourselves, especially if the ‘goods you are purchasing’, which in this instance is a service, so it is perceived to be intangible. Relealize not everyone is operating like a shop on the corner, many are creating huge value by collaboration, rendering sterling services and supporting to transform lives and put people onto a Debt Recovery Path.

My personal experience is that people need to learn to be Grateful, say Thanks when it is necessary and stop beating the old stories that will continue to suppress them, time to turn a new leave, grab that new life that is waiting for you and walk away from the past, but do the right thing!

Gratitude, Appreciation and Thanks will transform your life without you even realizing it! You cannot create new with old, period!

Creditors, why the huge increase in down-payments…

For clarity purposes, let me reiterate that customers approach you for a reduction of EMI’s (Equated Monthly Installments), due to being unable to cope, hence delinquency for one or more months.

If you consider approving this remedial request and the overdues is not that high, say 2 EMI’s, why do you suddenly need both, when clearly the delinquency is due to a proven dire situation where termination proof being one example is presented, and more proof that a new job was recently secured where the first salary was paid, but insufficient to service the backlog. Why demand the down-payment immediately? Where would they get the funds in the middle of the month, after paying partial backlog of rent, renewing family residence visa’s, backlog utilities etc.…?

If the customer is sincerely unable to meet the requested down-payment and can source 50%, it is also refused, and the customer is informed that legal action will proceed, totally closed for negotiation.

Below are my mind-boggling questions:

1. Why would you not consider a customer’s partial payment as their token of commitment, with a promise of a PDC for the balance down-payment on their coming salary date, specifically, when you are the bank that holds their salary personal loan?

2. Why does the same months of unemployment equated to the months of delinquency, not taken into consideration, when previously, the customer was regular from inception?

3. Why is it then necessary to threaten the customer with legal action, when they just showed you their commitment in line with their ability to meet a partial payment and then complete the full payment on their salary date?

4. How is a customer 1 month in default with an auto loan EMI, who has submitted a remedial request that is ignored for an entire month, is then demanded the new EMI to be included in the down-payment (2 EMI’s) and if it cannot be paid, legal action to attach the vehicle is informed and actioned? Why is it the customer’s fault that the creditor has taken one month to revert with their response? Does it seem like the customer has not taken responsibility for their debt or the bank cannot contact them?

5. Alternatively, the customer pays the 1 EMI as a down-payment, the collector promises that once the payment is done the restructure will be submitted for review, but thereafter the account is allocated to the next collector, who has no knowledge of the promised history, so the customer is once again grilled for another EMI, and the saga continues, until the next collector allocation in the following month. So where is the consistency or are delinquent customers simply treated like degenerates, just because they shouldn’t have a voice?

6. Besides being totally target oriented with little or no empathy for humane situations, why is it so hard for collectors or their managers to show some form of degree of empathy, to fully support debtors who show that they have taken ownership and responsibility for their debt? Why do you continue to generalize and paint each debtor with the same brush?

7. Why is it not possible for a collector to not comprehend that they are dealing with humans who are subject to any kind of negative situation like:

a. Being terminated from their employment without prior notice, just a letter on the table one fine morning;

b. Or their spouse who could be the main bread winner in the household is terminated;

c. Or their salaries are reduced without notice to commission only;

Can you simply understand why debtors approach remedial companies or reach out for any form of support after failing to derive at an amicable arrangement with their creditor? It is possibility clear to you at this point that you have no right to run any remedial or other company down when you find that the debtor has approached them for help? Who has time to waste to incur additional fees when their creditor should have helped them in the first place? So how are you qualified to question the debtor on how much they are paying the company and then informing them that they are just wasting their money?

Life hands us all forms of challenges, of which nobody is not susceptible to facing them. Hence, no, you are not entitled to boss your customers around, push them into a corner and threaten them with legal action if they justified their situation to you with documented proof?

It’s a very bad feeling for the customer to find themselves in this position, where it was not self-inflicted, they never knew they would be terminated, or their salary reduced to commission, so whilst you are in your comfort zone of monthly salary assurance like clockwork, just imagine for a second that on the very date, no salary is credited, and you get the letter on your desk.

Would you expect empathy and sympathy from your creditors? So how is it you are acting inhuman? Is it not in the best interest of your employer to receive partial debtor payments than file legal action? Business evolves and so when you break the cycle, at some point, you are affected, seems you are oblivious to this very pertinent fact!


Collectors don’t be the reason a Customer is terminated…


Collectors, before you step into an employee’s place of employment, or direct demanding emails to the CEO and/or their Head of Human Capital of their organization or company, due to their delinquency, then understand that somewhere along the line, there is a valid reason why most debtors are unable to pay their EMI’s (Equated Monthly Installments).

How many times have I said to stop painting all debtors with the same brush? So, let me correct your very limited experience about human life and the obstacles they face, at inopportune moments, when they least expect, situations that are most times not self-inflicted, but just realizing that it simply presented itself in their reality, where it is out of their control. Not every individual is able to ‘save for a rainy day’, or ‘accumulate emergency funds’, because these days life in general is tough for most people, regardless of where they are in the world, it’s realism, get accustomed to it as soon as you can.

When your vocation requires you to deal with people daily, then try to treat them like humans, even if it’s a very hard task for you. Somewhere deep inside of you there must be some form of humanity that resonates with you. However, if you really find it very hard to do, then simply put yourself in someone else’s shoes, who was terminated from their employment at short notice, who has no emergency funds, has all kinds of family commitments and has no money to pay their EMI’s, until they can secure a new job.

Many of you have demanded that the customer borrow money from friends and family, please understand that this capability is not open to everyone, where sometimes they won’t cross that line when they know that it is virtually impossible to repay the money in the following month, with zero income. It’s pointless making one hole to cover another, as it will come back and has more negative repercussions, which they don’t need, not at this stage.

So, when you act snidely, obnoxious, demanding, abrupt and think you are smart trying to prove a point to the customer with the entitlement that you are in a position of strength, taking great pleasure in wielding your power, then take a step backwards and ask yourself, why you cannot comprehend true situations presented to you, when:

a. They have explained to you, in detail, why they can’t pay their full overdues;

b. They have justified why they can’t pay the demanded high down-payment for the requested settlement, therefore requesting leniency for a reduction in the amount;

c. They are able to Justify their initial delinquency with documented proof, which you anyhow don’t bother to take into consideration;

d. They are pleading for your help and understanding, and you simply hammer them with 62 calls in a short period within one day, demanding, threatening, being abusive? Is this acceptable?

e. You initiate unnecessary action to present yourself at their place of work demanding to meet with the Human Resources Manager;

f. When you directly send emails to the CEO of their employment company and include the Human Resource Director, with your grievances against the customer, who by the way has not refused to repay their liability, except they requested leniency for a reduced EMI, which you refused;

g. You don’t care that your actions in points ‘e’ and ‘f’ could cost them their job being terminated due to your actions;

h. You have already filed a legal case, which has run it’s course, but don’t persue your next legal action, instead you continue to victimize the customer at their place of work, simply because you can;

i. The customer now loses he’s job and is terminated and you act with no remorse, except continue victimizing the customer for the money. Right here I wish to ask you how you expect the customer to pay their liability, now with no income, courtesy of your actions;

j. You don’t realize your actions has now brought extreme hardship onto the customer, because:

i. They cannot secure a new job because you filed legal action;

ii. They must send their family back to their home country;

iii. Their children and loved one’s suffer;

iv. They get into dire delinquency with no income, so the situation worsens, with a probable outcome of facing multiple legal action filed against them, so unemployment continues for months, sometimes for more than one year;

v. They end up virtually living from hand to mouth, borrowing from everyone without having to pay back and most times, living in a small room with absolutely zero sustenance, existing a sub-human life;

Is it your fault that the customer was indebted to creditors? Absolutely not, however, you take the burden on your shoulders when you are the root cause of this extreme suffering, because you are in a position of strength to respect and appreciate the customer’s dire debt situation, their please to reduce their EMI’s, where they never refused to repay their debt.

I will repeatedly stand by my philosophy that when you sow bad seed and you inflict harm and damage on any human life when you had the opportunity to reach out and take their hand, but you acted entitled and refused that help, then somewhere along the line, that seed will surface in your life and then please don’t ask ‘Why me?’, think back to when you could take the right action.

Life have evolved, times have changed, displaying kindness, empathy, care and love is the order of the day, because our only job is to try and touch a life daily to help those suffering today to transform their lives in happiness, joy, full recovery and future success, to rebuild and survive.

Your old ways are damaging lives and in so organizations and economies, so my suggestion is to think about the pain you inflict on people’s lives and learn to master the art of happiness and to help people transform their lives, do it, for your own personal transformation, because you probably need it more than anyone else in the world.

We never achieve great success by being mean and nasty, read the most successful people’s biography in the world, it tells it’s own story, which you should learn from.

Agencies, you’re not obligated to uphold Bank Ethics?

I recall being instrumental in securing approval from a major UAE bank in 2004, where  upon signing the Agency Agreement, the senior manager informed the agency owner that if the agency at all oversteps the line to victimize their clients, she would personally ensure their contract termination and I respected her for that, because she was aware of the many methods of victimization applied by agency staff, with no recourse from them and most times, known to the banks collections staff and management, and I know this, because I escalated many incidents.

As an agency afforded the privilege of a bank contract, surely you should ensure that your staff operate with utmost respect and integrity, in line with supposed bank policies and principles, when you interact with their customers? Regardless of whether they are default, that point is irrelevant, you are not addressing some garbage from the street, but in most instances, someone who is facing hard times and a dire debt-crisis, which could not be self-inflicted, like losing a job and being terminated from their employment, unable to secure new employment for a no of months.

Yes, you are assigned to achieve targets, but at the cost of destroying an individual for a few hundred or thousand dirhams, you’re not interested in their ‘story’, you only want the money, period. In some cases, customers have presented proof of their termination, even their new employment visa, where once you see the customer has a new job, you become more demanding, you forget the customer has just gone through a few months of zero salary.

Today was classic, a collections manager asked me how long the customer was in the country? I said 4 years, where the customer was terminated 4months ago and just secured new employment, so obviously the customer is 4months in default. She proceeded to say ‘Good, so if he is here for 4years, that means he must at least have 8 friends he can borrow money from to pay he’s overdues, as we can’t wait for he’s salary date”, which is 4 days away from here demanded date!

Hell, it’s beyond a joke, sincerely. I wonder sometimes if these people are human and then they are unconcerned about the devastation they incur in someone’s life, simply because they exist with no empathy to even accept a partial payment. They even inform customers if they don’t have the full overdues or EMI, then don’t bother to pay! Who does that?

This past week we had an agency representative directly email the CEO, which was in my previous article, luckily we stopped the termination to present to the Human Resources Director, that the customer was not being irresponsible, that he had approached a remedial company to assist with remedial, that he’s wife was terminated from her employer and that she had just given birth to a baby with a deformity, which costs a lot of money for critical surgery, exceeding their medical insurance limit. These documents were sent to all he’s creditor banks and not one bank or agency took the time to review them and revert with a positive response.

Today, another agency demanded the new offer letter of another customer who just secured a job and when she informed him she didn’t have the visa yet, he informed her that he would be going to the Authorities to check her visa and if he finds it, he will approach her Human Resources Manager, remembering the customer was only 3 days into her new job. So, what would be the consequences if he showed up at her place of work? Right, she would be terminated!

Regardless of an agencies performance, are we saying that we accept to secure payments based on these principles, knowing:

1. You were the reason someone lost their job today? You hound them at work, slip into the building unauthorized, until their HR or GM notices, inquires and finally they are terminated?

2. You are the reason they have no money to sustain themselves and their families when they offered partial payments?

3. You’re that entitled to control a situation of whether a customer remains employed or is terminated? Since when are you the ‘powers that be’ to dictate who survives and who is left destitute? Yes, you can say that the customer made the debt, that it’s not your problem, that emotions has nothing to do with this. But I say, where is your humanity? How do you exist without a conscience, or are you oblivious to the fact that it will come around to you too? That’s the Law of Life, not anyone’s law, because we sow exactly what we reap, sometimes worse and then don’t please ask ‘Why?’ Sit with your lot and stew in your lesson!

There are professional ethical methods to apply, to achieve effective collections, this is certainly not included in the ‘book of rules’ and I found it horrific that bank collections managers, to whom these cases of victimization is escalated, simply choose to ignore taking action or reprimanding the agency, and I can only believe that it’s easier to ignore. There is only one bank that reprimanded an agency and demanded an agency representative to leave the office of the customer in my presence. I am here to inform you that your methods are not allowed, because customers have the right to protect themselves, we are in the UAE, not in any other country, where all people are afforded the opportunity of respect, or don’t you know this? Or do you assume that you can wield your power because you are aware that the customer has legal cases, so they are not able to lodge legal complaints against you for harassment and victimization? One day, you may not be that fortunate, it happens, and everyone gets a chance.

I have personally instigated the termination of a few of these representatives, where I witnessed these horrific incidents, because they created that situation, they acted as though they were above the law. Let me inform you, that you are not, you are just an employee tasked by the bank to collect money. So, respect yourself first, then respect the bank customers as they are not your customers, therefore acting entitled, demanding, bossy, abusive, obnoxious and plain rude, is abhorrent and unacceptable.

In life we should undertake our assigned tasks with absolute self-respect and dignity to achieve anything, because no one individual with this kind of habit and personality, ever achieved success and if they did or they are still enjoying the moment, then be assured, it is short-lived.

Daily we are reminded of how much we should try to contribute to others happiness and allow people to thrive by working as a team, supporting each other and being happy, so tell me, how is this possible when you’re acting like you don’t even have self-respect and that you’re shameless?

Creditors, remedial request delays are unacceptable…


Most of the time a debtor who is an employee, has a high DBR due to the high salary loan EMI and so upon remedial request, the response is always that the account is regular, and the customer cannot be restructured to reduce their EMI!

Naturally the account is regular, because the employee’s salary is directly credited to the account, where instantaneously the personal salary loan and any credit cards the customer has, are debited. So, if the customer has high EMI’s then more than 50% of their salary is debited, where remaining EMI’s cannot be serviced in full, resulting in the customer having no money to sustain themselves and their families.

You might say ‘well it’s their fault’, or ‘they should have thought first before applying for the salary loan and affording multiple top-ups”, but realistically, many customers applied for those loans and cards prior to the credit bureau being fully operational, resulting in over exposure, of which we are all very familiar with at this time.

They can’t reverse the situation, they can only request a review for consideration to reduce this EMI, where many instances it is blankly refused for the reason stipulated herein. If the customer’s salary continues to be credited to the same salary bank account, then what is the problem? High DBR? Well yes, they would have a high DBR and it is the core reason they are requesting a restructure, or does it not make any sense? The objective is to reduce their DBR, where this is a very key situation that must be reviewed by most creditor banks. I can count on half of my hand where some banks are approving such remedial requests, the rest refuses.

On the issue of delays in remedial requests, there are cases up to 1year that has been escalated to the highest management level, still with no outcome, only the customer continues to receive monthly collections calls, where the request is not being facilitated by anyone. So, my question is, how is this possible? If a customer is terminated from he’s employment, is unemployed for 8months, secures an investor and registers a company in he’s name, is fully operational and commences payment of he’s default EMI’s, but is unable to cope with ‘catching up’ on the old EMI’s, how is it possible not to review this very important case for approval?

The cases referred to in this article are not ridiculous requests, where the customer is totally over-exposed, in dire delinquency in all their accounts, quite the contrary, these are customer’s who were disciplined in controlling their EMI’s and had the foresight that soon that they would struggle to meet their existing EMI’s. Due diligence is applied, the possibility of restructure doable, so why is the customer’s request pending for such a long time with nobody taking responsibility?

When official complaints are lodged, they are pending for a while with an excuse that the case was closed as the customer is not responding to requested documents for submission, when the remedial company initial ensured that the bank had all the required official documentation?

There is a visible gap in this process, of no continuity, nobody taking responsibility for the outcome and if it is not diligently followed up, it will disappear in the mist, resulting in the customer facing legal action, which is not warranted, as the customer informed them that he is unable to cope with he’s existing EMI.

We have had an SME case where the customer was requested to present additional documents for 3months, with a promise that the restructure would be approved, only to attend a final meeting and be informed in 5mins that ‘their solution would be to secure a cash injection from some source!’, this when the customer had identified that in the following months they would be facing a problem meeting their EMI’s, which means they were not in default yet. Naturally it’s a logical assumption that the solution for anyone in this situation is a cash injection, so who would invest in company liable for debts and why would the owner apply for more credit from banks at this stage? Now 3months has passed, the case is escalated to the senior management, with zero response!

My question: “where is the bank’s senior management’s sense of responsibility to review the customer’s history together with the middle manager’s decision, to ascertain the viability of approving this case?

There is a dire lack awareness of a creditor’s entire debt exposure, versus their one liability with a specific bank, yet the bank is presented the entire exposure justifying the remedial request, so if a remedial company is facing this problem, what about debtors facing it on their own and struggling to secure an outcome?

There are many dire situations debtors who are willing to repay their debt face every day and they find the same form of adversity from many of the creditor doors they knock on and I just wonder when this will be a seamless process, where everyone joins hands to make this world a better place.



Debtors, challenge yourself today and overcome…

There are thousands of you still lurking in the shadows, fighting your debt-crisis silently, hoping for a miracle, because I know you have tried all ways with no positive outcome, but today is where I redirect your focus, on how you arrived at this crisis and how to transform your life. The steps I am sharing will form the sound foundation you need to emotionally prepare yourself, to face your debt-crisis. There is absolutely no way when you are engulfed in emotional fear, with zero clarity or focus, including being insecure and unstable, that you can make informed decisions to act.

This advice is not ‘a pie in the sky’, or a ‘delusion of grandeur’, but the true facts, which are, creation of realities, i.e. you are responsible for your situation, because simply, you created it!

a. “How did I get into this situation so fast, without even noticing?

b. How did my business just spiral, why was I not focusing and wasting time and not noticing that I had not set an intention to achieve anything, I was just spending money unconsciously, probably assuming there was a ‘bottomless pit’?

c. Why did I not see any ‘red flags’?

d. Why can I not account for most of this expenditure in detail?

Because, when money flows, we lose our mind, we never stop to ‘maintain records, or even think about a rainy day and as fast as that money flows into your life, if you don’t respect it, you will lose it and it doesn’t matter if it’s thousands, hundreds of thousands or millions.

I know this, because it happened to me, except, I was spending my own millions, not someone else’s, but I also never focused on the fact that my money flow was not a bottomless pit, I was too concerned to meet the needs of Tom, Dick and Harry, until my flow was depleted, where the shock was, they were all nowhere to be found once my pit was dry!

We are human, we make mistakes, so beating yourselves up about it, will ensure you continue to regress, the doors will continue to remain close, nothing will move and the tunnel will seem long and dark with no hope, because that is what you are creating, just like you created your debt, or lost your money – Blame yourself, take responsibility and once you have clarity, set your intention and take the much needed action to save yourself and your life.

Many will say talking is easy, yes, it is, but put action into your words and thoughts and keep them positive, because you need to do nothing else but change your thoughts to change your world. Nothing remains dark forever, so unless you make that move to step out and take action, nothing will change, you will simply revolve around in circles, with no progress, worsening your situation.

When you don’t have a plan, you are lost, because then it means you have no direction, therefore no forthcoming solution and it’s a sad day when just around the corner, you could have saved yourself.

When you are down and out, learn to saturate yourself with books pertaining to achieving wealth, abundance, prosperity and new success in your life, forget about beating the old drums of how you got to your debt-crisis, because it’s gone, you must learn to move forward and put the old behind you.

I never stop emerging myself in improving my own knowledge and experience and just this weekend I picked up my favourite “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill and it’s a book you should keep pushing yourself daily, because if you master the teachings in that book, you will master achieving tremendous wealth and transforming your life. So instead of prancing to the mall and spending money you don’t have on goods you don’t need, invest in this book, because it is a lifetime investment.

Let me share some significant points with you. There are six ways to turn desire into Gold, so follow those steps daily, no matter how depressed, suppressed and repressed you feel. Some powerful affirmations he shares in this book, that should resonate with those of you who live with huge hope, who know that you can transform your life, but maybe you don’t know how, so here they are:

“Every person who wins in any undertaking, must be willing to burn he’s ships and cut all sources of retreat…”

“You may as well know, right here, that you can never have riches in great quantities, unless you can work yourself into white heat of desire for money, and actually believe you will possess it…”

“When you begin to think and grow rich, you will observe that riches begin with a state of mind, with definiteness of purpose, with little or no hard work…”

“Before success comes in any man’s life, he is sure to meet with much temporary defeat…”

“I will never stop, because men say no…”

So, really, things are thoughts and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with a definiteness of purpose, persistence and a burning desire for their translation into riches. Which means that it doesn’t matter where you are right now with your debt-crisis, you can change your situation by changing your thoughts and the help you need will flow to you. This is not a fallacy, it is how the universe revolves for us humans who can connect at that level and somehow many of you remain clouded. I speak to many daily, but they are bent on rattling off their old story and beating their old drums, when they don’t realize, if they just stopped for 5minutes and listened to themselves, and remembered how many people they rattled that same story to, how may people stopped taking their calls or responding to their pleas for help, because most people will listen to your story, but they can’t get involved as they have their own lives and responsibilities.

The job is yours and only yours and nobody can do it for you and I am here to convince you, that your problem is miniscule versus the power you can acquire to be happy and at peace again. Just listen to yourself when you want to start on a rampage or rattle on about your problems and tell yourself, ‘nobody is really listening or want to help, because they have their problems’, I need to find the right solution for myself and start your daily practices, google, read up about transformation and start your new journey, because it’s that simple…