SME’s and Company Owners, you can recover and thrive…

As a business owner and entrepreneur for more than 2 decades, I know what it’s like to face troubling times in business, with facing financial crisis, or just trying to revive your existing business to make the wheels turn again, focus on existing liabilities, trying to sustain yourself and your family and then still showing a good face every single day.

Hence for that very reason, I continue to reach out to help individuals change their lives and it’s a gift, or a calling which I have embraced. So weekly I try to come up with different forms of inspiration, which is meant for you to view your debt-crisis situation from a variation of perspectives, so you can exactly pin-point:

1. Where did I go wrong?

2. How bad is my true situation?

3. Have I taken enough action to remedy this situation?

4. If you have, do you need more help and where to go? Have I short-listed possible new actions that I can take, or are am I simply vegetating hoping it will fall from the sky? Nothing moves until you do, a miracle will not drop from the sky if you are sitting around day and night, complaining, hiding away from creditors and beating the old story, which is already dead!

5. Have I reviewed your current business enough? Even if downsized now, surely there are possibilities to create new revenue funnels, or did you try to emerge yourself into available online information on how to master the art of Game-Changing?

6. What am I prepared to sacrifice to turn your situation around?

7. Do I need to secure the advice of an experienced Coach/Mentor, to enlighten me how to take alternative action and what my new options can be?

It’s not easy, but reality is that you created this situation, so by the same token you can become ‘unstuck’ and be on your way to creating abundance and prosperity for yourself again and you might say ‘it’s easy for you to say!’ and I know, but when you have walked the talk, then it’s realism, I have been there, so I know that the advice tendered is real.

The golden nugget when facing a debt crisis is ask yourself: ‘How can I create new abundance, prosperity and wealth for myself, because I believe I have the ability to overcome and achieve the success I set out to achieve?’ When you read this phrase it’s completely a total contrast to the story you have been beating to death for months or a few years. The tone sounds lighter, it makes you feel better, like there is hope, some new path available for you to persue. So why aren’t you pursuing it? Go for what you want, forget about the old story, because it’s not serving you, just deepening the hole you’re already in!

The keys are and I have repeated myself so many times over the past almost decade, writing on this subject and sharing my views, including tendering my advice, because I know that when you read this over and over again, it will resonate with you, because you are guilty of not taking concrete action to correct your situation and transform your life.

Most of you will say it’s impossible, let me share with you that there is no such word, when you say it’s impossible, then you are imposing limiting beliefs on yourself, so you will continue to remain stuck, negative situations will continue to present itself, and it’s not as you all think ‘Law of Attraction’, absolutely not, because something was left out and that very key is ‘Unconscious Competence’.

It takes approximately 21 days to establish a new belief, pattern or behavior, which means to ingrain new positive habits into your subconscious, because that is the ‘recorder of your life beliefs, patterns an habits’, you must do and repeat it over and over again, resulting in ‘unconscious competence’, like brushing your teeth every morning, or driving your car and arriving at your destination, only to find you don’t know how you got there!’, because it’s habit.

To progress, you must have a definite plan and purpose to derive at your final destination, so here are key tips for today.

1. Create a new plan, even if your debt has already been restructured, do your best at a new plan and ensure it makes logical sense;

2. Record all information, commercials, current outstanding dues and balances, cheques that have bounced, next EMI’s due, any information that will help you see a new picture, because most times people facing a debt-crisis turn a blind eye to the truth, as it makes them feel better, but for sure it does not make the problem go away.

3. Go back to your creditors, present your new plan, ask with much emotion for help, plead to the human side of them, because they are and many have huge empathy, just sometimes debtors approaches to creditors are entitled, arrogant, demanding and disrespectful, so leave those habits at home, as it will not serve you.

4. Take copies of all your legal documents with you, so you have everything readily available.

5. Most of all, start believing in your ability to overcome, you must burn yourself into a hot sweat of unraveled determination to set your financial situation right, believe in your plan and do not let anything move your focus from what you wish to achieve.

You might say ‘You’re joking, right?’ No, I am not joking because ‘What the human mind believes, it can conceive…’ and another great inspiration is ‘I will not stop, because men say no…’

Too often, we stop because men say no, we get despondent, we feel like our world is falling apart and we feel hopeless and useless to move an inch. Let me ask you today, don’t find yourself in this position stopped in your tracks because someone else’s realistic response to your determined plan, is negative. Never give up, keep on keeping on because the tunnel never stays dark, light overcomes darkness any day of the week.

You’re important to you, people don’t become useless because they’ve made a mistake to accumulate debt, it’s a lesson, where hopefully, once you got out of it, you would have learnt invaluable nuggets, setting precedent for your next new journey!

I’m still not convinced, because there’s little action…

For me, it’s soul destroying when I know that there are thousands of you facing a personal or business debt-crisis, but you’re just not mentally ready to act and find your peace.

My calling is to help you out of the destructive, soul destroying debt situation you have been facing for a very long time, where your attention is diverted to so many directions, except the right one, facing your own dire situation, coming to terms with it and finding the right solution for you.

People like me do something for so long, then they stop, because finally, who is appreciating the reach and doing something about the invaluable advice they tender most times? It’s a grave concern that you are out there, accepting your suffering, humiliation, degradation and the many emotional situations you face in a day, week, or month of the year.

So, there will come a day that I will close my door on this platform and divert my attention to where it is valued and appreciated, and that day is very soon. Therefore, today, my questions to you are listed below and my request is to email me your responses, because maybe I missed something, or I just don’t understand, when in fact I had mentioned numerous times that I have walked the talk, so there is very little you can convince me about.

Most of the time this job is thankless, because debtors whose problems are resolved and they are happy about the outcome, normally walk back into the sunshine with not much gratitude, as they don’t have a dire critical need anymore, so they forget that closing doors is the worst mistake they can make in their lives, but, it always comes back, so here are my questions for today:

1. What makes you not act to resolve your debt crisis?

2. Who are you listening to?

3. How has that turned out for you?

4. If you’re hiding, why do you think there is no solution for you, besides no longer having an income to serve that debt you must repay?

5. What is the worst mental state you are in or have experienced that makes you sit on the sidelines and watch the world pass, whilst you do nothing and allow despair to consume your being?

6. What is your real hope of saving yourself and getting out of this debt situation?

7. Where do you see yourself 1year from now?

8. What are your future plans?

9. Do you have goals and dreams, or do you just continue to exist?

10. Are you prepared to make more sacrifices and ground-breaking commitments to get out of debt?

11. If your answer was ‘yes’ above, then why have you not acted yet?

12. How can I help you to overcome this situation?

13. Do you think you know everything? The system of debt? The shortcuts? The best solution and exactly where you were a few months ago, or a year? Then why have you not followed your own advice?

14. Are you teachable and willing to learn new tools and techniques to help you?

15. Do you blame your situation on bad luck, your upbringing, creditors are not understanding? Nobody wants to help you? It’s a useless situation?

16. Are you a company owner and if you have lost, do you really think you are doomed right now with no hope to recreate your losses? If so, why?

17. What can I do to make you act? Humour me, because there is very little that will convince me at this stage?

18. If you’re a follower of my articles, then are you prepared to never read them again? If so, why?

19. Dire debt normally emotionally dehumanizes an individual in many aspects of their being, so what are the changes you wish to see in yourself in the future?

The outcome of these questions, normally drives an individual facing a debt crisis to search from within and that is the intention, because the mindset right now has lost the capability of probing and deriving at core truths and so it is my wish that the answers you give yourself, are onus to you, that you connect with them emotionally, because the key of the answers, is to direct your thoughts to upliftment, regaining some form of hope and positivity, which normally results in inspiration setting in, even minimal, but it fosters transformation and my request to you is to journal these answers, read them many times over and then take the needful actions you feel from within.

Helping someone in debt to take one step forward is the most difficult task, long before you get to convince them of the solution for their situation and most of the time, nobody has asked you all of these questions, so I hope it helped you today.

Barack Obama once quoted:



Creditors, it’s time for real change…

You can’t sway like the wind, first being co-operative and then not, because that same tide you’re creating, is negatively inflicting the lives of debtors who are really needing your help. If you want to see real change, then you must collectively start making a real concerted effort to realize that change, because recreating change with old habits is a door stopper!

So, here are a few real changes you need to revisit and apply:

1. If a debtor has presented their entire financial exposure, where they qualify for consolidation and/or restructure, but they’ve told you that right now they can’t meet the full overdues or high pending EMI’s, then I am sure you can make allowances to approve for them to pay a realistic partial overdue EMI and apply remedial to the remaining. Why is it necessary to apply victimizing actions and attitudes, including ego in most instances, just because you can? You don’t think that if you can recoup your organizations assets over a period, that you may just be able to see an improvement that would ensure you of some form of future stability? Or don’t you care? Don’t you assume that one day you could arrive at your office to find out that it is no more?

2. If the debtor has visited your office, met with you, is willing and able by presented commercial statements to meet he’s liabilities and you have done your due diligence and considering remedial, then on the flipside, why is it necessary for your team to continue calling the customer 58times in 20minutes most days?

3. In addition, to bounce their guarantee cheques and file legal action, whilst the case is submitted for review and approval by your management? Why are your systems not updated with this activity whilst the customer is awaiting your feedback? There is no consistency or handover from one months allocation to the next, regardless if you profess that all interactions with customers are recorded, it’s clear the ones where the customer requested help is not, because a remedial request can be pending from 6m to 1year, simply because how many really take an interest except to secure their target, then the same cycle continues with the next collector allocation.

4. Why once the legal action is completed, do you not follow your legal procedures, but instead harass the customer at their workplace, knowing that if your team specifically request to meet with your customer’s HR Manager, that they could be terminated? Am I correct in assuming that you don’t care and that it is irrelevant to you that the customer can lose their employment? So, if you have a good many customers in 1 month that you apply these measures to, how long could you hold onto your job? To be frank I have escalated such instances to senior management with no action or outcome.

5. Why is it that in many cases escalation to senior management is ignored and never actioned? I hear the excuse of being too busy, well, I don’t accept it, not when you are in a position of strength to make a difference and save a life and however much my sentiments have no significance to you because you have no empathy or compassion, then it’s time to do the full circle of the job assigned to you, because it’s not just about targets, or allowing internal power struggles and politics to affect key decisions made for debtors accounts, simply because you don’t like dealing with the remedial company requesting such reviews. We are not here to like anyone, but to build sound relationships to try to restore human faith and lives so everyone can recover, so it’s never personal, neither is what I am writing today.

These examples are not referencing debtors who are intentionally under-handed, rather the sincere debtor who has not only sought your help and was refused, but proceeded to seek alternative help from a remedial company who can review their entire exposure with the sole aim of reducing their DBR in line with their current monthly income, enabling them to service their EMI’s and not default.

I am saturated about customer’s having to hear from creditors as to why they are seeking the help of remedial companies, so let me inform you, here’s why, because if you did your job correctly in the first place, the customers would not have to seek alternative solutions and support out of sheer desperation.

Therefore, remedial is a full circle, it does not only pertain to the norm of consolidations, restructures or buy-outs, but also to the human factor of coping with psychological debt emotional fear, depression, anxiety, anger and also credit mentorship, because they get to understand how to transform themselves, hence, changing their situations where they learn how to emerge from their dark hole and recreate themselves and take ownership and responsibility of their lives in a full circle. It’s a serious issue, where it does not matter if a debtor opts to remain here or skip, even in the latter instance it can also be soul destroying if the debtor has a conscience and I know many have, so the choice some creditors had in the past should be a lesson today, rather to fully support until the debtors situation improves and realize that time is the healer of restoration, the debt was not accumulated overnight, so how come you want an overnight solution right now, when it is impossible?

When people are at your mercy, regardless of whether you assume that the situation was self-inflicted, the fact is that it won’t serve you to continue beating the old drums, rather your job is to save the moment, whilst saving your organization and yourself, because nothing else matters, except that the debtor is willing to repay he’s debt.

I find it very hard to consume when a debtor is offering to pay a partial EMI, where there is no legal action, just he knows that he is expecting income soon, but right now, he is willing to pay what he has in he’s hand, then the creditor refuses, in some cases, the collector will even demand that the creditor ‘go and lend it from someone!’. Really? So that you can achieve your target? The other big issue is demanding and EMI with a promise that once it is paid, the restructure will be processed, where once paid the debtor finds the account is then allocated to a new collector and history starts repeating itself and finally, the debtor faces legal action due to accumulated EMI balances.

When will we learn as human beings that being happy and in peace, also helping others to create that same equilibrium, will serve us all and that we are all on this one planet, supposedly to help each other, but some of us have cocooned ourselves in special aura of ego, that seems to be impenetrable, where those around us are already well trained not to cross that line. Realize that you’re not in an ego cocoon, just a delusional bubble that will burst in its time, then you will stand alone, unable to help yourself, because that’s the law of life.

Debtors, a lesson in debt, is a serious journey…

The lesson of debt is not dumping your debt on someone’s desk and transposing the entire responsibility onto their plate with your futile excuses, mostly pleading poverty, then later it is found you went on vacation, whilst someone else is trying to protect your life, believing your lies and incorrectly defending you with your creditors?

Who does this? How is possible that you are oblivious to the facts that:

a. It is unacceptable to dump your debt onto someone else’s desk and walk into the sunshine with no sense of responsibility;

b. It is also obnoxious to assume that the company or individual has no choice but to accept this attitude, because you signed an agreement on the dotted line and now you call the shots?

c. It’s also totally unacceptable for the company to protect you against your creditors during the process of remedial submission, whilst you plead poverty by convincing ways that you cannot afford to contribute towards your overdues, but then you are keeping the money for your vacation?

d. Where is your conscience? You cannot recover without one.

e. How come someone else who never spent the money you borrowed, must unintentionally lie to your creditors, because you are underhanded?

f. How come once the remedial tasks are completed, you now feel the need to dissect their service fees because you believe most is undeserved, even if the outcome is positive? Based on what level of mentality are you biting the hand the feeds you?

g. Initially when you are seated in front of a remedial officer, pleading, begging and crying for mercy and help with bad intentions, my advice is enroll yourself in Hollywood, as they are direly seeking actors like yourself.

h. Existing with no self-respect, integrity or respect for those whom you reach out to for help, who take the time and make the effort to tender this help, is a shameless act, where it is deserving for you to rather face your wrath, so you will be forced pay dues to learn respect.

i. When you openly devalue the value of any individual, company or creditor who takes your hand to save your life, then it comes around, in its own time, not yours and when you least expect it, but come around it will, as true as the sun rises and sets daily.

Authentic humanitarian gratitude and appreciation are the only forms of reciprocation that fosters progress, recovery and abundance we all dream of, without that, we are almost soulless and empty humans. Nothing replaces being thankful for someone for being there for you, respecting their efforts and unwavering support to help you. Acting without any remorse and ungratefulness is not the attitude to take, as it will negatively ricochet back into your life.

Many debtors who faced a debt-crisis and acted out this way, are clueless about how much they have compromised their own image and integrity, which affects the character you presented, where the country is huge but also small, because there is literally nowhere to hide.

This attitude can be compared to the mentality of such debtors who assume that when they were in dire debt, unable to pay their EMI’s, they just applied for another loan or credit card, which filled a hole, saved them for a month or more, but left another hole, which is why they faced a debt-crisis.

In the same way if you assume that right now you could cheat your way through asking for help, not paying for the service and the job is done? You are sadly mistaken, as dues you will pay and more than what is owing, because it’s the circle of life.

There has always been dishonest under-handed debtors, but it appears the trend has increased substantially, more so the very good actors, of specific nationalities, who have opted for this route and my message to you today is carry on, see how far it will get you, but one fine day, when you find yourself in a place where your hands are tied, no more under-handed activities, then don’t ask why, know why and think of the acts of dishonesty intentionally performed by you.

At the end, these acts of dishonesty affect the lives of other bread winners, who were either terminated from their jobs, because they reached out and took your hand to help you, or someone who never received their salary like you did, because you never paid your dues. So, when you negatively touch a life, a life touches you in the same way, there is no escape.

Like I said, it’s a circle, it will always be a circle, so any negative cog affects the circle somewhere along the line and it is a sad day that such debtors have no conscience, but we are hoping for less users and more honest sincerity, because the circle of evolution must continue, the bad apples always ever drop off along the way.

Debtors hovering in the background, procrastinating …

I’ve been speaking about this for years, trying to encourage debtors facing a debt-crisis, or those who know they will soon, to stop hovering in the background, faceless, because you are ashamed or embarrassed. The truth is every day that you procrastinate, is a day that you put the progress of your life on hold and you allow your debt problems to snowball, later into an uncontrollable situation.

You know you have a critical debt problem, you have known for some time now, but you’ve either wasted so much time to delay reaching out to your creditors or remedial companies that can fully support you, or you are simply existing in a delusional zone, pushing this story so far back out of your mind and reality, too busy draining energy from yourself. It takes energy to continue being pretentious, like there is nothing wrong, hard work to put up a good façade all day, only to crumble into a sad pile when you can lift that façade, be that when you get home at night, or spasms during the day, when you are alone.  Know that the people who matter in your life, your loved one’s they can feel the pressure, tension and negative emotions hence you are also affecting their life! So, as much as you assume they don’t know, or you are hiding it from them, they know something is horribly wrong, if they don’t know the actual situation.

Therefore, it is your duty to convene a family meeting and open to the real situation, because you will need this support and most times you will be surprised that the needed support will be given, you only had to ask. This lifts a huge burden off your head, so you can gain clarity, focus and take the first step to your debt recovery, without having additional fear that they will find out, or anyone will find out, you owe it to yourself, nobody else.

I am here to tell you that all is not lost, hope exists if you believe it, or you can come to terms with the fact that it is never too late to step forward and reach out for the hands that understand and is willing to help you activate a debt recovery plan, to ensure you are on the road to debt recovery.

It’s simple, put everything aside and think of yourself, your own well-being, existence, progress in life, the fact that you want to be in a place of recovery, start to feel better about yourself and be able to be proud of your achievements and live your authentic self.

It’s hard work to continue putting up a façade with others, like there is no problem, like all is fine when it’s not, because that zone has an expiry date and if you are fortunate enough to cut the cords before the situation worsens, then you’ve won your own day. This debt problem has an uncanny way of creeping into your entire life and saturating it, until there is no way to turn and you don’t want to be there, because it’s an unpleasant place to cope with and it can destroy you.

Very important is that it’s not going to be easy to get back on track, but there are no choices, once you take the first step then there are huge sacrifices to be made, perseverance, keeping your commitment to your creditors and reducing your personal expenses, scaling down all-round, no shopping for items you don’t need, no vacations (yes, I mean it!), no extra luxuries and this can continue for a good many years, but at the end, the journey would have been worth it!

Remember, you did not accumulate this debt in one or six months, so don’t expect instantaneous miracles of recovery, because it is a path where you are tested, you may crack many times, but you must learn to pick yourself up and push forward, nothing lost, nothing gained! It’s 100% times better than facing legal action, because then you have minimal options if you’ve left it too late.

It’s not easy to come out of the woodwork and admit to anyone that you are facing a debt-crisis, but the problem is, if you don’t act, the debt will do it for you and then the situation is worse, where you will have no choice and face harsher actions.

Don’t look back, keep looking forward, forget about the possibility of being blacklisted, you are not here to seek more credit, but a remedial solution to your debt-crisis problems, so more credit is never going to be an option, else, you will never recover. Debt is a serious addiction, because in the past credit was readily available where people never had any constraints, but it’s caught up with them in a serious way, because they were out of control.

The story of ‘what happened to the money?’ is a fruitless exercise, because nobody will admit that they have it stashed away somewhere else if this is their situation, the fact is, the problem is here, so it must be faced in the most honest way. Being dishonest has a bigger price tag attached to it somewhere in the distant future, when you least expect it and when you can least afford it, because that’s the lesson of life, dues must be paid and it’s not up to you, me or anyone else.

Hovering in the background with no clarity and loads of procrastination is an historic trait of debtors, because they never want to reveal themselves for the negative stigmas attached to debtors facing a debt-crisis. Those days are gone, we must evolve to survive, thrive and be the very best that we can be, where facing a debt-crisis is a hurdle that you can overcome, with enough determination, willpower and inner strength, call it faith, or your beliefs, but it’s what you will need on this journey.

My invitation to those of you facing this debt-crisis problem, step out, take ownership and responsibility, lift the burden off your shoulders and if there are fees to be paid, then stop complaining and trying to haggle prices, because professional services with excellent deliverables can appear to be intangible, until the performance is tangible. If this is the case, then you need to think about what your life is worth, and I am sure it’s worth much more than what money can buy.

When anyone reaches out to take your hand to help you in your debt-crisis then remember, they are taking a huge risk, because with your default record, they have no guarantee of your future commitment and as the record stands, many have been dishonest and leveraged on a remedial mechanism to ease their debt burden, only to disappear into thin air!

Be credible, learn to rebuild your integrity and remember, the money you spent, was given to you in good faith by your creditors, so you need to reciprocate in the same vein, as they don’t owe you any favours to apply ridiculous discounts, only to protect their assets, because their livelihood depends on this very important factor too!

This 2018 New Year, let’s hope with New Beginnings …

Personally, I have entered this 2018 New Year with so much hope that those Debtors who are still procrastinating and surviving on excuses that they have beaten to death, will finally have the courage to take ownership and responsibility for the debt-crisis they have been facing for many months or a few years.

Now is the time to take that critical action to save yourself, your family and life and possibly a business that needs dire recovery, because sooner than later even if you have been holding the fort, ducking and diving from creditors, the bottom will fall out and then damage control is way beyond your capabilities, because procrastination is the thief of time. It eliminates the time you had to save yourself when you had the chance to, but from my experience, many debtors have wasted invaluable time asking and taking advice from the wrong people and this is the reason they are now in a dire situation.

My philosophy is that most of the time, we save ourselves with the help of our maker or maybe some really kind soul who feels the need to support us. But the latter situation is rare, because especially today, people have their own set of problems, they too are fighting to survive or thrive and have a goal that they are focused on, where it is their right to take care of themselves first, then the others.

So, my advice today on this brand new 2nd New Year’s Day is:

a. Save yourself now, not tomorrow, or next month;

b. Forget promises of an investor where you assume you can utilize some of those funds to repay or settle your debt, because no investor will risk their funds when the foundation is saturated in liabilities which are way overdue, pending legal action, because most of the time, you must be realistic, where I know that it’s very easy to be delusional with this desperate debt mindset;

c. Don’t take advice from anyone who’s trying to convince you that there’s a shortcut, because I’m here to tell you there is none, it’s the long hard road of debt recovery, for which you should be aptly prepared;

d. Forget the holiday, you can’t afford it, put your money where it’s needed right now, or face the consequences, as sacrifices dictates they must be made, or pay the price;

e. Turn a new leaf, decide to face your creditors or seek the help from a reputable remedial company to assist you, but do the right thing, for you;

f. Prepare your documents needed so you are ready and list all your liabilities in detail, so the picture is clear to everyone involved, including yourself;

g. Where you have done wrong and you have the money to pay your creditor, then do the right thing and pay your overdues, because it will support you for future problems. When you live with no gratitude, life will become hard and painful for you and then you should not wonder why, because that too, dictates you pay dues.

Peace of mind instills well-being and if you want to enjoy this peace then you need to do the work first, because nothing just happens, you must make it happen, so action is the order of the day.

Creditors, let me ask that you try and support willing debtors to the best of your ability, as there is no need to impose more harshness upon them, when they have stepped forward, taken ownership and responsibility and shown the humility to repay their debt in asking for your help.

There is absolutely no reason to resort to legal action if the debtor is in earlier months of default where this seems to be a new trend surfacing, because you have no need to go this route when you are in a position of strength to help the debtor, if the due diligence applied qualifies him for this help. The decision is simple logic, but many operate on personal egos to prove a point, remember I have always said that this too has a price, because when you can, then you must, even if you have a personal grudge for your own unjustified reasons.

You should comprehend that in today’s world, authentically serving humanity has huge rewards and you don’t have to do these deeds for rewards, you just must do it from your heart, because you want to, and it is the right thing to do.

We are all connected and so why some think they are entitled or superior is beyond me, but my request today is for all to co-operate to ensure seamless engagements and a successful outcome for all, because we need to survive and thrive, where some have made mistakes, but that does not justify generalization to impose legal action on them, because not all are cut from the same cloth, many are genuinely facing a debt-crisis and are sincere with their intentions, so this needs to be respected.

It’s a new year, new days, weeks and months ahead of us and together we can make the most of it, where we all can benefit! No one person is an island because it’s just not possible to operate with this mindset.

Debtors, don’t turn the table on yourselves…

A visible trend expanding rapidly is debtors spending a huge amount of time trying to secure investors for their ailing businesses, including intentions of servicing their debt delinquency, in some instances, repaying the total liabilities with banks and suppliers.

This may not be a bad strategy, but only if your business has promising prospects, is fully established for a no of years with a sound reputation despite current hardships and you are positive that you can service your investor’s Return On Investment (ROI).

When you are in debt then there are no short cuts, not even to use someone else’s hard-earned money for your own personal gain, with absolute intentions to fully utilize the investment funds to service your debt. Unless you can secure approval for a buy-out or a loan to settle your debts, banks do not approve loans to repay debt otherwise, so the same principle should apply for your own debt.

When you are in debt, then shortcuts almost never exist, because there is a lesson to be learnt, sacrifices to be made and commitments to be kept, as the flipside of this coin is regaining your self-respect, self-confidence, credibility, integrity and reputation. These cannot be bought in any store, it takes hard work and consistency to finally be debt-free, with your own money, not someone else’s.

In most instances. it took you a long time to accumulate your debt, so how come you demand a solution in a week, month or a few months? It requires patience and perseverance to achieve your objectives that will set you on your path to financial freedom.

In ‘the day, when most businesses were booming, and an investor wanted to opt in to secure a piece of the pie’ then you would probably have been reluctant because you didn’t need the money, or you would have no hesitation to approve such investors with a clear conscience.

These days you are wasting time faffing around meeting multiple investors to secure their approval, when you know that your credit rating and credibility are an open book, that they can be obtained at a drop of a coin when requested, because that is a document you will have no option but to present.

If you avoid presenting the whole truth and nothing but the truth, understand a key factor that as much as you assume you are a master manipulator, successful investors and business individuals have it mastered down to a fine art, which is why they are successful, as they know how to apply their due diligence and seek out the truth.

My concern is that on the flip side, your delinquency is accumulating and spiraling out of control, whilst you spend invaluable time you could have used to meet with your creditors to resolve your debt-crisis, which is probably in a dire state, bordering on legal action.

The problem is many debtors choose selective memory or consciousness when they have convinced themselves that the investor option is the best shortcut they can secure. In fact, once the investor declines the opportunity, your situation is probably 4 or 5 times worse, because an experienced investor would have facilitated a professional audit, by which time when they find that the companies liabilities are in a dire situation, that door will close and then facing your creditors will be an extremely difficult task.

You need to take responsibility now to put out the burning fires, not just ignore them and once the investor declines, you want to take a demanding attitude towards your creditor for a 50% discount and restructure, simply because you lost control and when your creditor declines, resort to a bad attitude?

Wrong, experience has always taught me that when you have money, then you don’t need any money offers, but when you need money, there will be no offers, because normally it’s the long hard road that only you must take, nobody else, because it’s the lesson ordained for you to learn from and never repeat again.

Sometimes investor injections can fully support a business where there is a temporary cash flow problem, but sound secured contracts or agreements existing for long tenures with excellent pay masters.

Then it makes perfect sense, including current long-term prospects that are pending for closure with absolute surety, however the latter is almost never guaranteed, because in business you cannot summarize or speculate aimlessly, hoping you would strike those irons, as the tables can turn in minute. It only takes one competitor to outprice you or add extra value that best suits the client, which is something you could have missed.

None of us are infallible, especially in business, so vigilant is the key factor on all fronts and that includes ‘taking care of your cheese’.

As business owners who have failed and you try to make the wrongs right in the incorrect way, you almost always resort to selective hearing when sound advice is tendered, until the bottom falls out, then you resort to amateur dramatics, pity parties and emotional angry aggressive outbursts, which actually worsens your state of mind and situation.