If you are facing a debt-crisis and you need to take immediate action to resolve your debt problems, then there is no better place than the neutral ground we provide at our EFFRS offices.
We welcome you to discuss your debt, tender our experienced advice and fully assist you as best we can. This is an environment you will feel comfortable in, be at peace which will enable you to take the 1st step to action your road to recovery and finally become debt-free!
We created this space especially for you because in spite of our company being new and just officially launched, one of our founders created a sound platform over the last 5 years in preparation for the official EFFRS where we are passionate about reaching out to change lives.
Now is not the time to ask why? or how come you find yourself in this debt-crisis situation, not at all. Now is the time to take ownership and responsibility because you can and believe yourself that there is nothing you cannot conquer including this problem.
The world shifted its paradigm a few years ago with the economic downturn where people were left jobless, homeless, moneyless and in dire situations but they learn’t to survive, cope and overcome with the help of others more fortunate who decided to make that reach and it made a huge difference.
EFFRS’s ultimate Mission and Vision is to make a difference, to sincerely reach and help individuals to transform their lives and reach for that dream once they have recovered. It’s not impossible, you must just take the first step with sheer determination to overcome.
So from the Debtors perspective, we officially extend our invitation to connect and meet with our experienced Restructure & Consolidation Officers who will make the time to present a solution that can be presented to your Creditors for consideration, review and approval. Today, Creditors are very supportive much more than they were 5 years ago, believe this!
From the Creditors perspective, typical examples of support and assistance from EFFRS is if you have a high volume of outstanding Debtors that can be converted to affordable payment plans where you are able to recoup your debtors without having to resort to legal action which serves both the parties.
Outsourcing plays a key role for EFFRS where we assume responsibility for this component of your business, whether new or existing, regardless as we effectively manage as your collaborative partner, totally in line with your standard of ethics and princples as most of us are experienced Bankers and associated, so we have the ability to meet the desired deliverables, whilst increasing and elevating your Collections profile in the market.
It is our pleasure to serve you!
Warmest Regards
The EFFRS Team