Archives 2015

Why Creditors should consider partnering with EFFRS…

There is a reason why Creditors are unable to either meet or maintain consistency of targets where they know they could increase the ceilings but the question is how?

It’s not rocket science that for decades collection departments and external collection agencies have historically create a negative stigma around debt, everything pertaining to debt; i.e. the having of it or finding yourself facing a debt-crisis, how to effectively manage it and not build up emotional fear which then subsequently prevents a debtor from taking responsibility, action and ownership.

Old methodologies and approaches have dire negative results where regardless of insurance coverage, losses are incurred, perceptions locally and internationally remain negative and the outcome remains risky because there are no guarantees that a debtor will remain if treated harshly, not afforded the consideration as a human, forgetting pointing fingers as to the result of the outcome, but simply reviewing the situation to reach an amicable solution for both parties.

Creditors are always in the ‘pound seat’ but they should realise they cannot get blood out of a stone if there is no blood, or limited blood because the only solution is to treat this situation in a civil manner and only that attitude will transform the debtor into fully co-operating, nothing else.

We at EFFRS have established a reputation of dealing with debtors in the most civil respectful manner which we found is highly effective. The comparative is that coming down hard on a debtor who is already in a vice with their situation, renders emotional turmoil of hopelessness and creates more misery than what is already existing, where you don’t fight negativity or adverse situations with the same, rather a more respectful reasonable approach to achieve your goals and objectives as a creditor.

Hence we created a neutral environment where creditors can consult with our Officers enabling them to best present the debt situation to the creditor for consideration. It is then the creditors call as to the outcome which must be in complete alignment with their policies and approvals as this is not the EFFRS decision. We are only acting as facilitators and we manage the entire process between the debtor and creditor until complete and satisfactory.

There are so many industries who should be utilising our services as we alleviate this ‘pain’ area as pure collections is not always the most effective method to achieve goals and recoup debtor funds, it is proven that the EFFRS method is highly effective.

Our role and goal is organic, created by our founders who have a wealth of experiece within this domain as we do not assume responsibility for a task we are unable to undertake. Therefore we have identified a few key facets of business we will be implementing within EFFRS in the near future which is in line with our current portfolio.

Therefore partnering with EFFRS is beneficial for your business as we will take responsibility for this scope of work, which may not be fully implemented within your Organization as we are aware that Restructures & Consolidations is relatively new and we are in this for the long-term so relationship-building is important to us to establish the trust between our parties, ensuring our creditor clients achieve that level of comfort in dealing with us as their partner they can depend on to fully support them achieve their goals.

Our ultimate aim is to positively contribute towards the growth and GDP of the country and render consistent service excellence to all parties which therefore continues to elevate the profile of the country too.

Giving back is what we do best

Our doors are now open for our Debtor & Creditor Clients!

If you are facing a debt-crisis and you need to take immediate action to resolve your debt problems, then there is no better place than the neutral ground we provide at our EFFRS offices.

We welcome you to discuss your debt, tender our experienced advice and fully assist you as best we can. This is an environment you will feel comfortable in, be at peace which will enable you to take the 1st step to action your road to recovery and finally become debt-free!

We created this space especially for you because in spite of our company being new and just officially launched, one of our founders created a sound platform over the last 5 years in preparation for the official EFFRS where we are passionate about reaching out to change lives.

Now is not the time to ask why? or how come you find yourself in this debt-crisis situation, not at all. Now is the time to take ownership and responsibility because you can and believe yourself that there is nothing you cannot conquer including this problem.

The world shifted its paradigm a few years ago with the economic downturn where people were left jobless, homeless, moneyless and in dire situations but they learn’t to survive, cope and overcome with the help of others more fortunate who decided to make that reach and it made a huge difference.

EFFRS’s ultimate Mission and Vision is to make a difference, to sincerely reach and help individuals to transform their lives and reach for that dream once they have recovered. It’s not impossible, you must just take the first step with sheer determination to overcome.

So from the Debtors perspective, we officially extend our invitation to connect and meet with our experienced Restructure & Consolidation Officers who will make the time to present a solution that can be presented to your Creditors for consideration, review and approval. Today, Creditors are very supportive much more than they were 5 years ago, believe this!

From the Creditors perspective, typical examples of support and assistance from EFFRS is if you have a high volume of outstanding Debtors that can be converted to affordable payment plans where you are able to recoup your debtors without having to resort to legal action which serves both the parties.

Outsourcing plays a key role for EFFRS where we assume responsibility for this component of your business, whether new or existing, regardless as we effectively manage as your collaborative partner, totally in line with your standard of ethics and princples as most of us are experienced Bankers and associated, so we have the ability to meet the desired deliverables, whilst increasing and elevating your Collections profile in the market.

It is our pleasure to serve you!

Warmest Regards

The EFFRS Team

Times have changed, drastically……..

Locally and globally people are continuously reaching out to just try and change one life as it makes a huge difference and has a phenominal effect on the wellbeing and recovery of a person.

You may not be conscious of this fact, but it exists. The historic hard core abrasive attitude of collections companies and other creditors will fade out quicker than what we know because the human being only responds to try their utmost to meet a commitment when requested to do so respectfully. Here lies the key to secure a debtor’s commitment however we know from experience that those who still follow the old routine, don’t see these changes coming.

EFFRS was borne out of a necessity to serve communities after the CEO has spent the past 5years totally committed to help debtors by serving and supporting them unconditionally and successfully too! She wrote and published 2 books on the subject of debt which is available on, the links below so kindly take the time to read the reviews as they are from all over the world.

She took it a step further by writing weekly articles for 2 of Dubai’s key newspapers and you can review some of those articles posted here, the rest is available online on, just google her name.

She continues to receive regular requests to participate in writing articles on the subject of debt in the UAE.

The purpose of these references is intended for you to gain a level of comfort in dealing with our EFFRS professional team as the leaders are leading by example and are experts in this domain. Hence we do our utmost to fully support you on this debt recovery journey.



The Golden Nugget – Why nobody should lose…

Nobody loses when they consult with our EFFRS professional Team and this is our core objective in our business.

So you could be:

  • Facing a debt-crisis.
  • Want to settle some of your debt but don’t know how or not securing lucrative final settlement amounts.
  • You could be in the process of losing your home to your Creditor and have not succeeded in securing any form of solution.
  • A Creditor trying to secure their ourstanding debtors with no avail.
  • A local or global real estate investor who invested in local projects but has no clue of the status, or how to recoup your funds – We have sterling relationships with most key developers and a 100% track record to date for securing refunds for investors. So you don’t have to be in the UAE for us to undertake this assignment for you.
  • Your requirement may not be listed above however we are accustomed to unique requests, perhaps a first-time problem where we have the resources, experience and ability to successfully undertake this assignment.

Just drop us a line at where all requests received are treated in the strictest confidence, be assured and without exception.

Does EFFRS only help you with your Debt?

No, we are creating a community of like-minds and providing you with a full-circle of solutions, not just for your debt, but also to transform your life and the personal aspect of coping daily to get through this cycle to full recovery.

An integral part of our service deliverables is we help you transform your life which means we give you the facts, as the situation really is, we coach and guide you until your emotional state of mind is equalised and then we take it to the next steps.

The outcome being fully fulfilled and effectively being able to manage your new life with peace of mind as this is key to the healing process and the negative psycological effect debt has on anyone who faces this problem.

Our relationships with our Creditor Clients has been nurtured for almost 2 decades so we have established immeasurable trust and integrity, a gift we bestow to you during this initial process.

We believe in ‘Sharing is Caring’, we touch one life, you touch another and so it has a significant ripple effect where you have no idea how many lives are changed as we progress.

Debtor-How do you know consulting with us is the right decision for you?

If your debt has snowballed out of control and you feel like you are facing a brick wall, then obviously you need urgent support.

  • We provide this confidential assistance in a neutral environment applying our softer skills technique where we ensure you are comfortable opening up to us – This is our job, we are here to help and guide you onto your road of recovery.
  • When you’ve tried everything possible, or you simply never tried, ignored the problem and now it’s so out of control that you feel like throwing in the towel – There is no better time than now to meet with us urgently!
  • When you desperately want to get out of your debt rut and you have no clarity, you don’t know how to take responsibility or ownership of your debt problem – We have the solution.
  • When you wish to consult with professionals who have sound relationships with your Creditors – We we facilitate the process on your behalf.
  • When you sincerely want the nightmare to be over and you are genuinely committed to repaying your dues in full – Then you have come to the right place!
  • When your expenditure way exceeds your income and you are clearly not coping – We are your only option as we will see this process through until the end for you.
  • What is the process? – Bring all your liability documentation, ID, Employment Visa copy, Emirates ID and bank statements with you as it will assist us to speed up the process.

Exciting times for EFFRS!

Our official opening and launch is planned for the 20th September 2015, however it is pending completing the setup process and successfully co-ordinating with all of our parties to ensure we present a professional image and render the high-end deliverables we have planned as a Team.

The time has come to present ‘softer skills’ to communities to fully support them to transform their lives from facing a debt-crisis to enabling them to manage their monthly commitments with ease – Only this is our key objective.

Furthermore we strive to afford communities to opt for resolving their debt problems in a neutral environment, which is new, welcoming delivering efficient effective processes and solutions in collaboration with our new Creditor clients.

Our Team are carefully ‘hand-picked’, who will lead by example, fully understand the debtor’s situation and rendering the very best service they are committed to deliver, as set via a stringent company policy aligned with global Best Practice Standards.

Hence our Team are subject to a stringent Code of Conduct which shall be applied regardless.

We look forward to serving you and officially extend our invitation to consult with us to be of service to you, whether you are a Debtor facing a debt-crisis and have hit a brick wall, or a Creditor Client requiring our assistance and support.


The initiators of EFFRS have shifted their own paradigm since the global financial downturn in realizing the dire need of humanity to survive, that the ‘old habits’ applied to debtors for decades is a ‘spirit-breaker’ and has no connection to restoring their dignity, self-love, self-acceptance, evolving free of emotional fear and turmoil and being given a second chance to transform their lives.

Many situations are not self-inflicted but debt collectors continue to utilize harsh approaches and tactics where the repercussions for the debtor is disastrous most times. Realistically debtors become incapable of recovering because their entire being is engulfed in fear and hence procrastination, until their situation spirals and snowballs out of control.

Destroying people and families intentionally for the targets and commission does not serve the collector or his life because you get what you put into your own life. We must be bearers of torches of wellbeing and recovery but most of us have yet to learn this very important principle, i.e. where you can help, then do it in good faith versus intentionally destroying someone resulting in their job loss, being unable to support their families where many finally resort to self-inflicted harsh measures. Those outcomes can never be reversed.

When you practice and have good Intentions, then the outcome is good, that is the Law of Life.

So the initiation of EFFRS was born our of 5years of committment to fully suppoert UAE Communities to fully recover from their Debt-Crisis in the most affordable way where both Debtors and Creditors do not lose and money in terms of commissions paid by Creditors is minimized.

Our approach is sincere and holistic with a full commitment to serve with the realization that Debtors have a responsibility to repay their liabilities and Creditors have the right to enforce their rights as their businesses are not charities.

Debtors must also learn to set their Intentions with sincerity and commit to repaying their debt with the same goodwill that it was approved and disbursed.