Because of inevitable changes in the market, where many have jumped onto the ‘Remedial Band-Wagon’ since 2010, many new Clients want to know:
a. Who is EFFRS?
b. What do we stand for and what kind of service do we provide? Seems some newbie Debtors are unfamiliar with Remedial Services.
c. Where does EFFRS fit in?
d. How effective are our services? Reason is because they have tried to secure new Settlement and Restructure Plans with their UAE Creditors, but failed, or did not secure what they needed, so they are still exceeding their DBR (Debt Burden Ratio).
Realism is, what EFFRS is about, is not Loans & Overdues Restructuring Recovery Services, although we do that well and have perfected the policies and procedures over the years, but in essence, EFFRS is something much more than this, because at our very core, within our complete Team, we are passionate about helping people, seeing them improve their lives and get out of the financial rut they are in, to be on their way to Debt-Recovery, it’s that simple.
Yet, we closely monitor the markets and once we identify specific changes on the approaches to Remedial for example, or the popularity of UAE Creditors positively receiving these requests, their changing policies applied, where again, we ensure alignment with these policies but over the latter years, especially the past year, regular policy changes were evident, which meant that EFFRS had to continue reviewing our approach with Debtor Clients, to ensure that our Remedial Services, still continued to create value and that we could continue achieving successful assignment completions, as promised to our Debtor and Creditor Clients.
“The people who were crazy enough to think they could change the world, actually did…”
The Remedial Support we tender to our Debtor Clients, does just not stop with them, because if they are able to become Debt-Free, through only taking ownership and responsibility for their Debts and finally become Debt-Free, then they are paying it forward for their upcoming generations, by leading by example and thereby eliminating future suffering, which means embracing change, transformation, happiness, prosperity, abundance, good health and well-being.
How does well-being or good health fit into this equation?
Simple: When you are piling Debtor calls, pressure, tension, stress, negativity and all the bad emotions into your being on a daily basis, with no release valve to release the piled up resistance over many days, weeks and months, possibly years, then the outcome can only be illness that could reach serious levels if you don’t curb it in time. Everything we do, our existence, is dependent on our health and well-being, which is considered to be gold, without that, we are incapacitated and unable to perform at our peak levels. So this is No 1!
We consider ourselves to be a visionary progressive company, that has no room for complacency, because we have learnt to retain scalability, be able to apply effective ‘Game Changing’ initiatives, to ensure we continue to present and create Value Added Services for our Clients, because without maintaining those policies, we will become redundant, where our intention is to be around for many decades to come!
We believe that the work we do daily, touches the Souls of many who need us to support them to activate and complete their Debt-Recovery, so they can persue their dreams and goals and fully support their families, like in the good old days and that’s possible, when you are taught how to become aligned with who you really are and not just focus on the stress and pressure of the lack of money in your life, because if you do, you create blocks and the same patterns you are struggling with in your life. So reality is that you cannot create new with old habits and that is where EFFRS places value, before even embarking on the Debt Remedial Plan with the Client, because without the mindset change, there will be less progress.