Taking Responsibility for Commercial Debt

Taking Ownership and Responsibility for a Debt-Crisis with Commercial Debt is Critical!

As the only Authentic Remedial Company in the UAE, we are approached with dire values of Commercial Debt, where the Owner sees no positive way out of the situation. Prolonging finding a solution, results in recurring Penalties and Interest compounded onto your Principle and if you dont maintain your EMI’s *Equated Monthly Installments and the other commitments with a variation of Credit Facilities, then you will find yourself in an almost impossible situation and with that contributes Mental Health decline, Anxiety, Depression, Emotional Fear, Toxic Relationships, broken Family Relationships, a dire loss of business as you cannot meet your Creditor and other Supplier payments, your Companies financial commitments and that of your Family.

Banks are now very strict, more than before, but also open to mediating, negotiating and finalizing amicable Remedial Solutions, tailored to benefit both Parties. As a Debt facing such a crisis, you always assume that there is ‘No way out’, when there is, the issue is that you must step forward, show that you are taking Ownership and Responsibility and after sometime, all will fall into place and you will wonder why you didn’t act so quickly initially.

Whatever we fear, hardly happens to us, as it is purely a “Figment of our Imagination,” however, contrary to this belief, if you focus on the negative for too long, you will eventually manifest your greatest fear, because we create our own reality, nobody else. You cannot be engulfed in fear and expect to win the day, because everything within us, must be aligned.

Quite often we find indebted Clients like these, embraced the initial Credit availed to them, then after a short period, they became irregular in their payments and finally halted all payments, maybe for 10years or more, but they enjoyed the fruits of the facility, whatever income was yielded from this investment and never repaid the Bank. 10years later, they are caught in a legal web, but opt to offer the bare minimum in repayments, with an attitude that the Bank owes them instead of visa versa, complaining about Penalties applied, etc. Realize the Bank Contract you signed, was approved by you, where the Bank has the right to apply Penalties where a Contract is breached. It is therefore the Bank’s decision to apply exceptional leniency and consideration with a final discounted value, not their duty, so arguing the final decision, is bad ethics and unfair to the Bank. Debtors should understand that nobody gets away, everyone repays their dues in some shape or form, at the time you least expect it.

Sacrifices are the order of the day to repay Debt, not a nice feeling, but the truth and as soon as Debtors are prepared to make these sacrifices and show some honour and integrity, all involved Parties can recover the best way they can.

Life is a ‘Give and Take’, with a ‘Cause and Effect’ Principle and it is applied each time with every action we apply in our lives. EFFRS is here to extended our Debt Remedial Hand to UAE Personal and Business Commercial Clients and Companies, so please feel free to reach out to us!

After Redundancy, Transitioning from Employee to Entrepreneur…

Why can someone else take the risk and enjoy success and not you?

We always underrate our knowledge, experience and expertise accumulated sometimes over decades. So if you have a heart’s desire to become an Entrepreneur, you procrastinated for years, you have saved a nest egg for ‘in case’ but now you are hesitant after being made redundant or terminated from your employment.

Did you ever think that this may be the right move for you that has come at the right time? Or do you just assume that to slide into a doom of gloom and depression is the next best natural progression for you to follow? Things happen for a reason, we are placed in what we assume are precarious situations and then we are petrified to take risks, when I can tell you here and now that nothing great or uncommon was every created or accumulated without taking risks, where in some instances, many have ventured to take a huge leap and if they look back now, it was not in vain.

Sometimes we are positioned into a situation that not only makes us insecure and uncertain, but scared, where facing your fears is one of the biggest hurdles in life, because if you are looking at someone else who achieved uncommon success, don’t assume it was a walkover. I can assure you that it was painful, enduring, trying and testing, because before you reach the pinnacle, there are many sacrifices to make, where you have no choice. If it were that easy, everyone would be doing it, but conventionally, it’s easier to be an employee in a comfort zone, with the peace that your salary will be credited to your account, like clockwork, on the same day of the current month, without fail, in most cases, but there are many exceptions.

Jobs are no longer secure, where this is still a huge misconception and I would rather be in control of my own future, than place it in the hands of someone else and when you have been an Entrepreneur for decades then there is no turning back, no matter how hard it gets! You just learn the ropes, you learn hard lessons and significant coping methods, that you continue to repeatedly apply to sustain yourself, your family, your company and those dear to you and your employees.

“Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained’….Is the infamous phrase and it’s very true and I am still of the belief that Entrepreneurs are born, not made, because we know inside ourselves that we are different to anyone else and so if that resonates with you, take action, follow the path, nurture your unique innate gifts of creativity, innovation, seeking niche markets, emergence, securing an experienced mentor if you are by the means, because it will take years off your journey.

One lesson is dont look at the money, focus on your goal, create your plan, be organized, continue to renew your goals and scrap the old, create the new, it doesn’t matter, as long as it works for you, where your ultimate goal is creating huge value, serving with humility and giving back first, before you get and then giving back more than you get, without expectation. Serving does not have to be equated to money, it can be with your experience, reaching out to someone who genuinely needs help and your advice and just making a difference in the lives of others and those around you.

Learn to lead by example, pride yourself in creating New Leaders, because that is how you master mastery and continue to develop yourself into a unique mentor, with an exceptional reputation. When you focus on creating the value, the money is a natural progression, but if you go into business only for the money, you will fail before you begin, because you will program yourself to build huge walls of resistance, that you won’t be able to break down, unless you master yourself.

Entrepreneurship is a glorious path of unimaginable treasures you can uncover, if you are prepared to sacrifice the time and effort and continue emerging yourself to remain abreast with ever changing global trends, so you can actually make a difference. Forget about competition or your perceived competitors, because you should strive every single day to be your own competitor, by continually improving your Service Deliverables and creating value for your target audience and those you can serve well.

It’s worse if you don’t try, but you have the yearning and will to want to try, but you opt to remain in a routine-ridden environment that you don’t find stimulating and where you don’t see imminent growth, but you choose to stay, because of the ‘Comfort Zone’, then you are wasting your life away and not authentically living the life you came here to live…

What to do when made Redundant, devastated by COVID, lost a loved one, or facing a Debt-Crisis?

First, Let It Sink In….

  • Take a few Steps backwards and Reflect – If it means distantiating yourself from the reality for a day or two, then just do it!
  • Don’t allow yourself to slide into Emotional Turmoil – Avoid saturating your being with Emotional Fear, because what you fear, you focus on and unfortunately it grows beyond measure and will eventually consume you whether it’s good or bad, so take heed.
  • Start a regimental Routine of Daily Gratitude – OK, so you think it won’t change the situation? Actually it will and it will change you too, especially the perception of the dire situation that jumped into your mind, when you were made redundant, correct?
  • Keep Calm – Learn to master the Art of Meditation to release any resistance that can pile up in your being and that will start building walls that you don’t need right now!
  • Focus and gain Clarity – Don’t allow anything or anyone to destroy your peace at any given time during this process.
  • How do you recreate your life? – I will tell you, with your Thoughts, Words and Actions, so start being very aware of this, as it has the most powerful outcomes and can be devastating when you find yourself in a dark hole.
  • Activate your Plan – Review your current financial situation, your current liabilities and how you can downsize your current lifestyle to accommodate the next 6months of expenses that must be met.
  • Opinions are irrelevant – Forget about the people and what they will say, as you are the only one who pays your bills, don’t ever forget that!
  • Approach your Creditors – As early as possible and try to negotiate to reduce your monthly payments at least for the next 12months, affording you the opportunity to not only maintain your payments, but also to stay in a ‘Safe Zone’.
  • Do your calculations carefully – If you must, then consult with expert Debt Remedial Specialists, who will tender the best experienced advice and it could save you years of aches and pains, as they do this work daily, so they can project the possibilities for your situation.
  • Now focus on your Resume – Check if it is updated, check your Social Media Profiles and commit to the time to apply the relevant amendments, so you remain marketable and can confidently apply for new opportunities. During this time you tend to forget about all of your experience, what value you can contribute, because you are only focused on the very bad reality, which, if you change your attitude, it can change in less than 24 hours, but as humans, we never have the ability to comprehend this very important aspect of the Law of Life.
  • Once you are ready – Earmark the companies you are interested to join and start approaching them, calling, sending your resume and don’t give up!
  • Review your Options – If you want to venture into a new business and you not only have the experience and acumen, but saved investment funding, then realize maybe one door closed so that the other can open and you can actualize your future dreams! You don’t know that until you try and risks are a part of building our dreams!
  • Convene a Family Meeting – It is important that all immediate family or your household understands what the current situation is, so that you secure everyone’s undue support and continued love and encouragement. During these times, the support factor is key, because if you are alone it can be tough, but then the only band aid to apply is continuous emergence into self-love, because don’t imagine you will get it from anyone else, because most of the time, when the bucket falls out, you stand alone, so inner strength and faith is key, no matter who you are…
  • Gratitude…Gratitude…Gratitude...Is going to be the Golden Key to change your world, don’t believe me, try it for yourself, it’s how I live my life. Start a new routine of Daily Gratitude, get a Journal, write down what you are Grateful for and what you want, hold that vision and believe in what you desire, because when you do, it will have no option but to show up for you!
  • Mastery – When you can Master all key components of your life, you have won the battles, sometimes before they begin and find yourself years ahead of anyone else, if you follow these steps.

The Change we seek in our lives, we can find from within ourselves, playing the ‘blaming game’ until our souls and spirits are dead, is the wrong move and will consume you before you even know it! Blame yourself for not accumulating the much reminded of ‘nest egg’ for the inevitable, because we never assume it will happen to us. So taking ownership and responsibility is the first step, embracing that and then moving forward with a new vision, is what will transform you and your situation.

People facing any critical situation, not necessarily debt, it could be the sudden loss of a loved one, a terminal illness, any form of what we consider as ‘Bad News’, the key is not to focus on it, direct your future vision to a more positive path and go with the flow. Nobody said don’t grieve for any loved one who passed, or for a bad situation you find yourself in, because grieving is an essential part of healing, so give yourself the time to heal, because nothing great, spectacular or authentic was derived from any form of negative space.

People ask, ‘How do you get?’ and the sure answer is ‘By Giving more Value than you get, not necessarily monetary’…that is the only Secret…

The Value of your life vs. paying Professional Service Fees to get out of Debt!

Many Debtors need to transform their mindset, because they find themselves facing a dire Debt-Crisis, with no visible hope, so their Debt Recovery need has a very high severity, but their mindset is in ‘Trading Mode’, because they cannot equate the invisible Professional Service to not receiving any visible tangible Value when they are informed about required to pay Professional Service Fees.

Your situation is in a lack, so you need to understand that your mindset is similarly aligned and although the issue of Debtors facing this problem could imply that they really do not have the funds to meet the Service Fees, most of the time they are able to contribute partially, but it is the unwillingness not to concede to co-operate, where it is common practice for their response to be that we should first complete the service and then they will meet the Service Fee payment.

Our response will always be that we are not a ‘shop on the corner’, but are driven to save lives and put them onto their path of Debt Recovery, where our business has solely depended on referrals from existing Clients, else, we would not exist.

Very key however, is the Lesson of Debt, which dictates that as the Debtor, these are the sacrifices to be made to ensure you learn hard lessons for the future, because anything for free, teaches you nothing and simplifies it for you to repeat the same mistake multiple times in the future, as you have not appreciated the value attached to the rendered service. But anything you pay for, you will never forget and here lies the Lesson.

Many times, Debtors decline to pay Service Fees, they saunter off to attempt the process themselves, finally come into contact with someone who promises to complete the Remedial Task, at perceived lower fee pricing, but they end up paying more with zero outcome and finally, find themselves back at EFFRS’s door. Then, the lesson is harsher and you can save yourself so much disaster by identifying the right decisions to make from inception. The longer you wait, the more dire the debt situation becomes, as the penalties do not stop, it continues to accrue, placing you in a more dire situation.

That is why the most famous question we ask is how much you value your life, because there is no price we can equate to our existence, well-being and Debt-Recovery, also living with peace of mind and no emotional fear, which is ultimately important. Without making the right decision, you could eliminate years from your lifespan, you just don’t know that daily you are piling up all forms of negative emotions, with no release valve, which finally results in illness or unwellness over time.

Key is also when facing a Debt-Crisis, you are focussing on this negative situation and the lack, where it will eventually grow and consume you, so the bigger lesson is to activate positive processes to eliminate the lack mindset, where approving to pay your Professional Service Fees, is a part of this process, where this helps you to start creating an abundance mindset that does not restrict your progress and Debt-Recovery.

These are all key lessons to share, because if you are unaware of these methods then you cannot progress or achieve again. It is never about the money, but the value that is created, which then elevates you to a new positive state of mind, that will serve you forever, once you get to master this art of deliberate creation.

Terminated and facing a Debt Crisis in the UAE?

Terminated from your Employment?

It’s a shock, we know the feeling when your whole world comes crumbling down in a flash, the moment you are presented with your Employment Termination Letter…

Nobody can prepare for this moment, neither do we think it will ever happen to us, where COVID and the dire impact it has had on global economies was never a figment of our imagination, but now, we face a situation way out of our control!

The good advice of the past to be diligent in saving money, to create a nest egg for inevitable events like this, is far removed from the reality you are facing right now and no amount of consolation can remove the Emotional Fear that starts engulfing you the moment you get this bad news!

No amount of speculation about the different scenario’s you try to play in your mind can bring solace in any form, where the only solution is to take action now, not tomorrow or the next day, even if your Termination tenure is 1 or 2 months from now, the key is not to procrastinate and wait for the last minute, because then your situation all-round would have snowballed. You already know that any glimmer of hope to benefit from your ‘End of Service Benefits’, is non-existent, which should tell you that you have no time, but to secure a solution for the foreseeable Debt-Crisis that you may face in the very near future, so act now!

Forget about comparing notes with your Peers facing the same situation, as everyone’s situation is unique, onus to them, where finally you will stand alone to face the situation, so its imperative that you learn this very fast, so stop wasting time speculating and not focussing on your own situation.

You need to understand that we have never faced this form of pandemic in the future, then even your Creditors are at a loss as to the most beneficial Settlement Offer to present to you, because they have not faced mass terminations in the past, where the offered solutions could be just as unique as the situation, where the human factor is key when assessing near future crisis for any individual who has been terminated from their employment. Then considering the impact on the economy of any country individuals are residents, even if it is your home country, such solutions must be carefully reviewed to fit your Creditor’s Policies, whether they are a Bank or other type of Creditor. Everyone exposed to this situation faces the same problems, suffer the same or have the same issues, because the key issue, is no income, therefore you are unable to meet your expenditure and face other dire consequences. Company Owners possibly have the hardest time, because they not only have their own liabilities, but they also responsible for the livelihood of their families and employees, so many individuals are affected, not just one.

If you have sought assistance from your Creditor to no avail, then seek a known Remedial Company with a reputable reputation who have gone the extra mile for Debtor Clients, review their profile, references, testimonials, speak to people until you feel comfortable, even meet with them, the key is to be at ease when you hand your life over to someone else, because its your trust, confidence and assurance that all will be fine for your situation if you commission them to represent you. You do not have money to waste, to pay external Parties who cannot fully assist or support you, if you lose the money you can spare on Service Fees, ensure you make the right choice, because once its lost, you cannot recoup it!

All may not be totally fine as per your expectations, but you will realize the best solution for your situation, remembering much of your Creditors Policy cannot be overruled, however, they will consider the humane side of the Remedial Request and I am sure are currently preparing for this as I am writing this post.

If you don’t take action, nothing will change and as much as being terminated feels like the rug has been pulled out from under you, it has and you need to take a step to make a difference in your own life right now.

In our lifetimes, we will face dire situations sometimes more than once, the secret is to survive and then progress to thrive, where changing your mindset will set you apart from anyone else, refrain from falling into the ‘limiting beliefs negative thought patterns’, because if you continue focussing on your debt situation without taking action, it will eventually grow and finally consume you, then that will become your newest reality.

Being positive, optimistic and taking the plunge to take action is the key to your survival and Debt Recovery.

Transition to a Wealthy Mindset

Transitioning from your Debt Mindset, is a Powerful Process, which can be done!

Stop just spending time focusing on your Debt-Crisis…

You may assume that it is impossible to think of anything else, except the Debt-Crisis you are facing right now, Wrong!

If you continue focusing on your Debt and the problems it actualizes for you, then it will enlarge and eventually consume you, because that is how it works. Once you have taken ownership and responsibility for your debt, learnt how to master the art of Personal Transformation, releasing all resistance, gaining clarity of the Debt Recovery Path you must embrace, following that path and completing the process of being able to afford to repay your debt, now you must shift to emerging yourself into a new Wealth Creation process, so that you change your thoughts, words and actions and shift yourself into a more positive space to transform, grow and rebuild yourself to achieve NEW SUCCESS…

The two situations are a huge contrast, but it is necessary to ‘Flip Your Switch’, to transition to the other side, where you can once again start rebuilding new confidence, hope, self-assurance, greater faith to move the mountains and challenges you may face, for the advancement and progress you seek. In life, very few people are happy for others, so it is your job to create your own happiness again, but first, master the art of Self-Love and taking care of yourself first, because you cannot serve with an empty cup!

Most today need authentic healing, whether that be from bad situations, toxic associations, bad influences, bad relationships, unwell health conditions and many more, because you cannot move forward, without mastering this art, being absolutely sure of your new found self-confidence and ability to advance to achieve your near future goals. You need to rebuild inner power, substance, integrity, credibility and everything you don’t like about yourself in this debt state of emotional turmoil, so there are many processes you must learn, to start creating new wealth, in all its forms, not just money, as true wealth has many forms.

Remember, even if it was a long time ago, at some point you were really happy, enjoyed life, had enough money to sustain yourself and perhaps a family and achieved the success that you wished for, at that stage of your life. So why is it impossible for you to achieve this again? It’s simply not, as humans we can easily bounce back, but the problem is we don’t allow ourselves the freedom to do so, because we are so very busy listening to chatter, trying to impress, flaunt a superficial image, unbeknown to you, that many can see right through these facades, until the Lesson of Humility must be learnt, even the hard way, if we refuse to take heed and it could present itself in the Lesson of Debt!

The Digital Age has afforded you the very possible opportunity to recreate yourself again, persue what you love, go and do that thing that you would do for free every single day and that would make you happy, because that is where your authentic self lives and wants to guide you, to transform into who you really are and what you came here to do. So don’t disappoint your inner being, follow your intuition and persue the journey to creating new wealth, joy and happiness that you deserve and do not forget to reach out and try to change a life, as often as you can, because those are the seeds that bear real fruit in our lives and creates what we asked for…