Why can someone else take the risk and enjoy success and not you?
We always underrate our knowledge, experience and expertise accumulated sometimes over decades. So if you have a heart’s desire to become an Entrepreneur, you procrastinated for years, you have saved a nest egg for ‘in case’ but now you are hesitant after being made redundant or terminated from your employment.
Did you ever think that this may be the right move for you that has come at the right time? Or do you just assume that to slide into a doom of gloom and depression is the next best natural progression for you to follow? Things happen for a reason, we are placed in what we assume are precarious situations and then we are petrified to take risks, when I can tell you here and now that nothing great or uncommon was every created or accumulated without taking risks, where in some instances, many have ventured to take a huge leap and if they look back now, it was not in vain.
Sometimes we are positioned into a situation that not only makes us insecure and uncertain, but scared, where facing your fears is one of the biggest hurdles in life, because if you are looking at someone else who achieved uncommon success, don’t assume it was a walkover. I can assure you that it was painful, enduring, trying and testing, because before you reach the pinnacle, there are many sacrifices to make, where you have no choice. If it were that easy, everyone would be doing it, but conventionally, it’s easier to be an employee in a comfort zone, with the peace that your salary will be credited to your account, like clockwork, on the same day of the current month, without fail, in most cases, but there are many exceptions.
Jobs are no longer secure, where this is still a huge misconception and I would rather be in control of my own future, than place it in the hands of someone else and when you have been an Entrepreneur for decades then there is no turning back, no matter how hard it gets! You just learn the ropes, you learn hard lessons and significant coping methods, that you continue to repeatedly apply to sustain yourself, your family, your company and those dear to you and your employees.
“Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained’….Is the infamous phrase and it’s very true and I am still of the belief that Entrepreneurs are born, not made, because we know inside ourselves that we are different to anyone else and so if that resonates with you, take action, follow the path, nurture your unique innate gifts of creativity, innovation, seeking niche markets, emergence, securing an experienced mentor if you are by the means, because it will take years off your journey.
One lesson is dont look at the money, focus on your goal, create your plan, be organized, continue to renew your goals and scrap the old, create the new, it doesn’t matter, as long as it works for you, where your ultimate goal is creating huge value, serving with humility and giving back first, before you get and then giving back more than you get, without expectation. Serving does not have to be equated to money, it can be with your experience, reaching out to someone who genuinely needs help and your advice and just making a difference in the lives of others and those around you.
Learn to lead by example, pride yourself in creating New Leaders, because that is how you master mastery and continue to develop yourself into a unique mentor, with an exceptional reputation. When you focus on creating the value, the money is a natural progression, but if you go into business only for the money, you will fail before you begin, because you will program yourself to build huge walls of resistance, that you won’t be able to break down, unless you master yourself.
Entrepreneurship is a glorious path of unimaginable treasures you can uncover, if you are prepared to sacrifice the time and effort and continue emerging yourself to remain abreast with ever changing global trends, so you can actually make a difference. Forget about competition or your perceived competitors, because you should strive every single day to be your own competitor, by continually improving your Service Deliverables and creating value for your target audience and those you can serve well.
It’s worse if you don’t try, but you have the yearning and will to want to try, but you opt to remain in a routine-ridden environment that you don’t find stimulating and where you don’t see imminent growth, but you choose to stay, because of the ‘Comfort Zone’, then you are wasting your life away and not authentically living the life you came here to live…